100 headlines campaign


  1. The cure to the language epidemic.
  2. Words determine our reality.
  3. Sometimes you need to re read or rethink.
  4. We are loosing our language.
  5. Like, like, like a description, but without any adjective.
  6. Meaningful words are loosing their meaning.
  7. Descriptions are loosing their meaning.
  8. Finding the words is a challenge.
  9. There was once a real language.
  10. There is an explanation for why do we learn a language.
  11. Why would you want to ruin the only way of communication.
  12. Dont destroy your only way of communication.
  13. Since when do we talk with morse code.
  14. Children talk better than adults.
  15. Are we really adults?
  16. The language bible.
  17. Slowly killing our language.
  18. Danger of extinction.
  19. Wanted, dead or alive, dope creator.
  20. The end of the language.
  21. Dirty words are coming out clean.
  22. This is the end
  23. Killing me with your words.
  24. Remember when we used real words? (Morse)
  25. Morse code is the new language code.
  26. Morse code is not a code anymore.
  27. Rather to be mute.
  28. Challenge your language.
  29. Dare to be the smarter.
  30. Words make beauty shine.
  31. Words matter.
  32. It matters the way you talk.
  33. Words can describe you.
  34. The way you talk, matters.
  35. Lets fight the language epidemic.
  36. Words make a difference in this world.
  37. You will be heard, but not listen.
  38. Better to be listen, than heard.
  39. Normal misuse of words.
  40. Prevent the language death.
  41. Your words are killing me.
  42. The sound of stupidity.
  43. Our language has an end.
  44. Our language is suffering.
  45. Words are suffering.
  46. Words need a clean up.
  47. We must clean our future.
  48. Morse code is not a thing.
  49. When did morse code started?
  50. When did we start using morse code?
  51. Since when English is the new morse code?
  52. We must save future generations.
  53. Future generations are in danger.
  54. We are in danger of losing our primary skill.
  55. We first killed language, whats next?
  56. Whats next?
  57. Dirty words come out clean.
  58. What we say, defines us.
  59. What you say maybe is not what you mean.
  60. Words are beauty.
  61. Language used to be an art.
  62. Beautifully ruin.
  63. Words that ruin are culture.
  64. Dumbing our culture.
  65. Bringing down our history.
  66. We forgot to search for meaningful words.
  67. Lets not dumb ourselves.
  68. Stupidity is overwhelming
  69. We lost romanticism.
  70. We lost the beauty of words.
  71. There used to be beauty in our language.
  72. What happened to our romanticism?
  73. What happened to our mother language?
  74. They won’t right you in history if you talk like this.
  75. History will not remember you.
  76. Words used to describe intelligence.
  77. Words describe your capacities.
  78. Differentiate yourself from the rest.
  79. Don’t´ be another dope dude.
  80. The language bar is very low.
  81. Some words deserve to die.
  82. Choose your words well.
  83. People will remember you for your words.
  84. No one will remember your dope attitude.
  85. Dope attitudes don’t last.
  86. When words don’t lead an attitude.
  87. For any vocabulary issues.
  88. Missing meaningful words?
  89. There is a problem on the way you talk.
  90. Your vocabulary is loosing it.
  91. Maybe we do need a vocabulary test.
  92. In case you ran out “likes”
  93. We can make you look better.
  94. Saving our language since 1884.
  95. Fighting for our language since 1884.
  96. We invented 171,476 words for a reason.
  97. 171,476 misused words.
  98. Don’t put an end to our language.
  99. Our language is suffering.
  100.     Some words are spreading a disease.
Patricia Arguelles