100 Headlines- Lincoln

Brand: Lincoln

Concept: New Audience (younger people., still elegant)

  1. Quality is our secret
  2. A safe trip
  3. Oasis on the road-1
  4. Above our category, beyond just a brand-1
  5. More than a car
  6. Flawless
  7. Drive with confidence-1
  8. Expect greatness
  9. Touching every base-1
  10. Reaching out
  11. Hop in
  12. Style, Elegance, uniqueness-1
  13. More you-1
  14. The future shaped around you-1
  15. Right Here, Right Now
  16. Feel good
  17. Count on it
  18. For a long time
  19. The best for you
  20. Not taking you for granted
  21. Leveling you up-1
  22. Trendy elegance-1
  23. Elegant upgrade -1
  24. Passion for perfection
  25. Making the difference
  26. Dare to be different
  27. Different is the new cool
  28. Modern machinery, classic performance-1
  29. Based on you
  30. Its a lifestyle
  31. On our own lane-1
  32. Building legacy
  33. Dreamers Paradise
  34. It is what it is
  35. Connecting with you-1
  36. What they don’t have
  37. Satisfying feeling
  38. Combined powers-1
  39. What you really are
  40. Quality over everything
  41. Staying relevant
  42. Timeless-1
  43. Complementing yours
  44. Complementing your family
  45. Our plan is you
  46. Based on greatness-1
  47. Upgrading at the pace of time-1
  48. Upgrading at the pace of light-1
  49. Walking in the light
  50. Drive safe look good
  51. Uniting generations-1
  52. Uniting all of us
  53. Shortcut to greatness
  54. Understanding generations
  55. Whats makes you, you
  56. Universal
  57. One level up
  58. Failure is no option
  59. No age with us
  60. Ageless
  61. Going the extra mile
  62. Always sharp
  63. Having an impact in you
  64. All wrapped in one
  65. Connecting our world to yours
  66. Just because is for you
  67. Lighting the way
  68. Guiding the way
  69. Follow our lead
  70. Enter our world
  71. Look at life from this side
  72. Parallel universes
  73. Adapting to you
  74. A different relationship with your car
  75. No way around it
  76. Bringing classic back
  77. No comparison
  78. Generation friendly
  79. What you want, how you want it
  80. For any occasion
  81. For many occasions
  82. Ahead of time
  83. Be yourself with us
  84. Like no other
  85. Elegance, quality, style, Lincoln
  86. Trustworthy
  87. It goes with you
  88. All because of you
  89. Class and more
  90. Amazing awaits
  91. Opportunities await
  92. Making it yours
  93. Its yours
  94. We happened to you
  95. Modern classiness
  96. Elegance is our recipe
  97. Centuries ahead
  98. Space,Speed, Style, Lincoln
  99. Dare to be great
  100. Life shaped around you
Jose Padilla