150 short story – Kiko

"Night sweats"

Johnny woke up one night with sound of sirens. It wasn’t the usual sirens from emergency vehicles. These were different.

He got up to look outside only to be scared by the opening of his bedroom door, as his father shouted:

“Let’s go, Johnny. We need to go to the basement!”

He pulled Johnny without hesitation, as the family ran to lock themselves in the basement.

“Is it a tornado, dad?” – said Johnny.

“Ah, yeah, Kid. A tornado!” – replied his father.

They all sat down as Johnny’s mother tried to lighten up the mood with a board game.

I few minutes went by, when all the sudden a strong magnetic field was felt – they couldn’t move. A hole opened from the ceiling and ray of light appeared; taking Johnny’s father away.

Johnny tried to scream but he couldn’t.

The alarm sounded, waking him up.

Dad was nowhere to be found.

“End of days”

It is the year 2050 and everyone is looking forward to the next election. It is an interesting campaign in which a transgender cyborg runs against Senator Bieber.

There are great differences between the two parties. One has an awesome DJ named AR-15 and the other one has free LSD drugs until midnight with free cover.

“These is how you win elections, mush-mush.” – Said Senator Bieber.

“You’ve got to give the people what they want. And I am a man of my word.” – Bieber insisted.

Bieber loved speaking his voice in congress. He was a faithful supporter of Mars abortion clinics. Bieber had plans to pass a regulation that would allow companies to expand outside of earth and sponsor mars.

“Budweiser Mars - and entire planet sponsored by a beer company. Dreams will come true.” – said Bieber.

But Trans-Cyborg had other plans. He wanted to annihilate all humans until his plan was shot down by a Trojan virus.

It was the end of days.

“Running tests”

It was a cold morning in New Zealand and Lansel, the Shepard, had once again taken a loss with his herd. It was the third time that week that one of his sheep turned out dead.

The strangest thing was that there was no trail of the animal that had done it, and during the night not even the dogs picked up the scent. It was quite a strange occurrence that needed to be solved before it wiped his entire herd.

One night, he decided to leave a camera recording to try and catch the culprit.

The very next day nothing happened. But eventually, it stroke. Two dead sheep had perished during night hours and Lansel was just about to find out what caused it.

As he reviewed the footage he was shocked to find it was a government helicopter testing a high-powered sonar. A sonar capable of imploding brain arteries.

Francisco Martinez