150 Word Sci-Fi

Another Chance

Darkness consumed him. His senses paralyzed as he drifted into nothingness. Until… the glow of a bright white light. And suddenly, he was back on his feet. The familiar weight of an AR-15 in his hands gave him comfort on the unfamiliar land he was tasked with traversing. But this comfort did very little to subdue the fear that crept around every corner, crouched behind every tree, laid patiently in every ditch. He stealthily moved behind a battered overturned jeep and searched for a friendly sign. No blue in sight. Thankfully, no enemy red either. His radar wouldn’t start working for another 45 seconds, and time was moving painfully slow. It was disturbingly quiet for a battlefield. An eerie silence perturbed only by the whistling wind and rustling of fallen leaves. And then, a faint crack in the distance. Darkness consumed him once again. They should have turned snipers off.

Oliver Permut