150 word Sci-fi stories


We are on August 15 of 1999. An endless hot summer afternoon inside a 9-year-old bedroom.  Sun rays try to get through the closed curtains, but they fail and fall as soon as they enter the room. It is 4 pm, and it smells like sweat and wet bathing suit. The kid is sitting in silence in the middle of the room. You can only hear his anxious fingers touching the PlayStation, game controller. He silently growls and doesn’t blink.  The look in his eyes reflects an infinite paradise. He is playing the Legend of Zelda. I approach the screen and, the character on the game looks like the kid sitting in the room. He is galloping across a field on a horse. When I turn back, the kid has changed, he looks very different. Now he is blond, and he is wearing a green suit similar to robin hoods.

Link has resurrected.


The only world we know, the one we consider ours, is now a cemetery of corpses. Facebook has provided us a unique, beautiful crucifix that now seals each of our graves. Therefore we have to be very thankful. Those who are still alive, know that the time has come to flee and that they will have to start over again, away from this world. Another planet awaits them. All the evolution will repeat itself. We will go through each phase of our species until we reach what we are today. We will survive the storms once again. We will create a new life. We will be animals that try to escape without mercy, to the adversities of the future. We will discover the fire again. We will fight for our food. Our entire cycle will repeat itself the same way, but with only one difference, we will never find consciousness.


Two intimate friends of childhood argue about the new pill that has come on the market. The never-ending pill. It is a pill that keeps the youth of the body preventing it from dying of old age. Therefore, if you take this medicine, you can only die if suffer from an illness or an accident or any other type of unexpected death. These two best friends discuss whether to take it or not as if they were debating about taking or not the new ecstasy pill. They do not want to live without one and the other but, they are struggling to get to an agreement. One of them is a passionate person who seeks to hold on to eternal life, no matter what. The other one hangs on to the nostalgia of death and wants to feel the melancholy that comes with being born, living and dying.

Patricia Arguelles