150 word Sci-fi Story

The induction

Welcome to the infinity room. Here we activate the rest of your dormant fifteen senses and stop time for the duration of the orientation. Initially, it will be disorienting, but you’ll get used to it. I understand since vision is your predominant primary sense, the tingling sensation behind your eyes might annoy you. But I urge you to resist the urge to itch till the end of the orientation.

If you understand the concept for visible light for humans you will be able to understand the rest with ease. Basically, there’s a lot you can see (visible light), but there is a lot more you don’t. The same concept applies to all your other senses. Your brain isn’t equipped to handle all this information. Think of it as a computer with filters and limited RAM. Information overloads often result in death or institutionalization.

The systems tell me you are having 1500 thoughts per minute. Do you wish to proceed? Blink once for yes, or keep your eyes closed for no. Try.

Tuhin Parhi