
Bittersweet Virginia


“I’m moving to Virginia!”

she said in a mellow tone

“You’re kidding; you just bought a house in West Palm!”

Her friend said in pure shock and confusion.


“I’m going to lease the house if you want it.”

In a melancholic tone

“I mean I do, but not right now. But why are you leaving?”
Wretchedness truly overcomes her.

“Alex got a job in Washington and the drive from Virginia to his job is about 45 minutes, and we will be able to save for retirement and buy a condo there. A change of scenery is always good too after so many years of marriage.”


Finally, the little bit of excitement she has for this change comes out


“I’ll visit you, friend. I’m happy for you!”

Bittersweet happiness is seen on her face and heard in her tone.







Can I Get Them Digits


“So he asked for my number today in class.”

Surprise apparently took her.


“What was I suppose to do? Say, “No, I have a boyfriend.” He asked me if he could message me about hw and class stuff.”

She explained her awkward situation with such despair.


“So what did you do?”


She seemed very concerned about her friend. Her body language even tensed while the story progressed.


“I had to give him my number. What was I suppose to do? I think I’m going to have to be dry to him.”


You could feel her discomfort by the way she cringed as she spoke.

“Just be careful my friend. He gives me the creeps.”


Her friend seemed to be worried and fearful. Her voice broke as she said he gave her the creeps.


Grandma Checks in

“Hi grandma, I’m doing well. Miami is fun and work is going well.”

She sounded so happy to hear from her grandma, consumed with joy, and her smile showed it.

“What do you want to do when you finish baby girl?”

Her grandma sounds so proud and excited. She laughs with joy hearing that Miami is fun.

“I don’t know what I want to do once I finish school. I would like to go back home to Chicago. I love the idea of moving to Virginia or Washington.”

Her eyes start to wonder, and you can see how she pictures herself in each town. The idea of change is exciting for her, and she sounds hopeful of the future.

Bahamas Baby!


“When is spring break?”

Excitement has control of her body, and she squeaks in a high pitch

“Second week of March, girl!”

She dances in her seat as she sings her response.

“I cannot wait for a vacation. Where should we go, what should we do?”

If you did not know any better, you would have thought she won the lottery as she thought of the endless opportunities.


They scream in unison and hug each other in exhilaration

Romantic Sunset

“Hey, do you want to go to the Everglades?”

He spoke with so much pressure. It was evident time was an issue.

“Sure, honey. I’m on my way. But I don’t know if I’m dressed for the occasion.”

She was surprised and encouraged a little adventure in her life. She speeds up to make it before the hour.

“You’re dressed fine! Get in the car were leaving now. I can’t wait till you see the sunset, my love!”

Time didn’t seem to matter as much once he saw her. He greeted her with a kiss and felt bliss. You can tell he was happy for the opportunity by the sound of relief in his voice.











Natalie Castro