360 Campaigns


Campaign: Things aren’t always what you think

As we are growing up, we realize that things aren’t how we expected. Growing up is harder than we think and choosing our future and finding a job isn’t a walk in a flowery park.

  1. Banners OOH
  • Get a real job (unanimated objects doing their jobs angrily, others around happy)
    • Garden Gnomes: Tired of standing in the garden?
    • Fountain Statue: Tired of getting wet?
    • Gargoyle: Tired of being pooped?
    • Air Dancer: Tired of dancing?
  • When reality hits, get a job.
    • You can’t just make it rain
    • Not a penny for your thought’s world
    • Trees aren’t made of money
  • They have any type of job you are looking for, even what you think unrealistic.
    • Unicorn master needed (to handle horses) [horse with fake unicorn tied on the head]
    • Monster hunter needed (to handle zoo animals)
    • Blood expert vampire needed (to work on blood bank)

2. Digital Banner

  • Animals dreaming of jobs (interactive banner)
    • Dog sleeping. You click on a dog and a cloud pops up. As you click more, more clouds come up until the screen is full of clouds. A small video of a dog with glasses working in front of a computer in a cubicle. Guy passes by and drops paperwork. The dog smells it very happily.
      • We got your dream job. Monster
      • You deserve the job of your dreams. Monster
    • Lion sleeping. You click on the lion and a cloud pops up. As you click, more clouds come up until the screen is full of clouds. A small video of a lion working in a barbershop happy, dancing and cutting people’s hair.
      • We got your dream job. Monster
      • You deserve the job of your dreams. Monster
  • When hunting at night, you can mistake the thing that you want to hunt for something else. (the same thing happens with jobs, metaphorically) (interactive banner)
    •  Hunt for the gazelle: Hunter’s pistol sightseeing at night. With the cursor, you move where you are pointing.  You see many gazelles. You click to one, the screen lights up and you notice is your hunter friend.
      • Job hunting gone wrong? // We got you… Monster
      • Job hunting gone wrong? // Not with us. Monster
    • Fishing: When you pass the cursor close, the fisher throws the line. The camera follows the line underwater. With your cursor, you move to catch a fish. When you do the line goes up along with the camera and then there’s a crocodile coming up the boat.
      • Job hunting gone wrong? // We got you… Monster
      • Job hunting gone wrong? // Not with us. Monster
  • With us, things will always be what they seem. (static banner)
    • Bottom of a pretty mermaid, with pretty flowing hair but ugly face.
      • Things aren’t always what they seem… Unless you are with us. // Find the job of your dreams. Monster
      • With us, things are always what they seem. Find the perfect job. Monster
    • Bog kennel with pretty cute dogs but one with a weird monster
      • Things aren’t always what they seem… Unless you are with us. // Find the job of your dreams. Monster
      • With us, things are always what they seem. Find the perfect job. Monster
    • Pretty lifeguard coming out of the pool all sexy with hairy armpits.
      • Things aren’t always what they seem… Unless you are with us. // Find the job of your dreams. Monster
      • With us, things are always what they seem. Find the perfect job. Monster

3. Tv Commercial

  • People daydreaming of the amazing job they have, but then the reality of it hits.
    • Girl babysitting kids at a rich family’s house. She leaves the kids watching tv (shown with angel features), the girl smiling and going to the pool to sit, tan, read, and relax. The kids stand from their place and go to the second-floor window and throw water balloons to their nanny “take that nanny!” (now the kids are shown with devil features). She sakes the wet book very angrily. (Kids could also throw a piece of cake?) // “Things aren’t always what you think” shows in big in the middle of the scene while she shakes her book.
      • When reality hits, get a job. Monster.
      • Get a better job. Monster.
      • You deserve a better job. Monster
    • Guy goes to walk a dog. He is at the owner’s place and dog is sitting down with his leash on his mouth (dog with angel features). He goes and walks the dog. The dog then starts pooping liquid and makes a mess all over the street. (dog with devil features and looking happy). Guy looking terrified at the poop bag and the disaster in the street. // “Things aren’t always what you think”
      • When reality hits, get a job. Monster.
      • Get a better job. Monster.
      • You deserve a better job. Monster

  • Things aren’t always what they seem
    • (mermaid wants to work inland) Guy is sleeping in chairs outside of the pool. Wakes up and takes his sunglasses off. Sees in front a lifeguard on the chair that is a mermaid. A fat kid passes in front of him with melting ice cream as he tries to look past him to see the lifeguard again. The kid passes and instead of a mermaid, there is a woman.
      • He has a confused face. She looks at him and winks. “things aren’t always what you think” “get your dream job” Monster.
      • Alternative ending. Kid passes, and there is still a mermaid.  Guy with confused face. She looks at him and winks. “things aren’t always what you think” “get your dream job” Monster.
    • (vampire wants to work with blood) Guy goes into meat shop to order meat. In the background he sees a Vampire working on the meat and having a blast with the blood.
      • Vampire steps away and comes back. Is a regular person, turns to the guy and winks. “things aren’t always what you think” “get your dream job” Monster.
      • Alternative ending. Comes back still a vampire. Winks to guy. Guy with confused face. “things aren’t always what you think” “get your dream job” Monster.
    • (werewolf wants to safe people) Guy is biking around at night. There is a full moon above. He sees a police car and a weird figure above it. He gets closer and he sees a werewolf with police clothes and hears him howling to the moon. A truck passes in front of the guy and obstructs his vision. When he sees the police car again, he sees a very hairy police officer on top of his car trying to fix the police lights. He does and looks at the guy smiling as the lights go off. “got it”.  In the end the guy is confused. “things aren’t always what you think” “get your dream job” Monster.

  • Get the job of your dreams (illogical animals dreaming of their owner’s jobs)
    • Dog is sleeping. Camera gets closer to dogs’ brain as if it was getting in his sleep. Clouds feel the screen and disappear. Dog is in front of a computer on a cubicle working on his computer. Person comes in, drops paperwork. Dog smells it and looks happy. Rattling keys start to sound in the background and a door opening. Dog wakes up and goes happily and excited to the door to greet his owner. Owner sits in couch, takes his tie off (looks like he had a bad day at work, or hates his works). Dog likes his face and owner gets happy.
      • We’ve got your dream job.  Monster
      •  For the job of your dreams, Monster
    • Chicken is sleeping. Camera gets closer to dogs’ brain as if it was getting in his sleep. Clouds feel the screen and disappear. Chicken has farmer’s clothes and is happily moving the straw pile to feed the animals. Chicken is singing and kind of dancing. Chicken starts to hear sounds of the fork moving in the straw pile. Chicken wakes up and sees farmer moving the straw pile. Farmer looks unhappy, sweating, and tired. Chicken approaches him and farmer lays down to pet him and slightly smiles.
      • We’ve got your dream job.  Monster
      •  For the job of your dreams, Monster


Campaign: Treat your dogs how they deserve

Taking care of a dog is more work than what people originally think. There is also an increasing awareness that we need to treat dogs pretty much like you would treat a baby. Give them attention, take them often on walks and outside the house, pick up their poop and clean their piss.

This campaign talks about the commodity that Rover offers so that way you can have your dog without so many of the cons of having one.

  1. Print
  • Why not leave the harder things about dealing with a dog for someone else?
    • Person with rover merch carrying heavy and big dog scared of smaller dogs barking at him in dog park.
      • Is not you anymore dealing with embarrassing dog
      • Let others deal with your dog
      • No shame from your dog anymore
    • Wet dog inside pond wagging tail happily with person with rover merch inside the pond all wet, like he felt.
      • Not your problem for the next 30 min.
      • Not your wet dog for 30 min
    • Dog bringing toy to person with rover merch so they can throw the toy again.
      • At least is not you for the 100th time
      • Let someone else be the human catapult

  •  Rover takes the responsibility to care for your dog no matter how wild he is
    • Person with rover merch giving bath to a bear that has a dog collar (Duke). Bear with tongue out like dog.
      • Even the wilder dogs.
      • We take care of even the wilder dogs
      • We got you cover. No matter how wild.
      • Even the wildest showers
    • Person with rover merch taking crocodile for a walk with dog collar and leach (Max). Crocodile with tongue out like dog.
      •  Even the wildest walks
    • Person with rover merch throwing toy to lion on dog park. Lion with dog collar (Riley), tongue out like a dog. Dog owners around grabbing their dogs scared.
      • We can handle even the wilder dogs.
      • We, the dog people can handle this.
      •  Even the wildest games

  • What rover people do so you don’t have to do it yourself
    •  Person with rover merch with superhero pose, with a bunch of dog toys in his belt. Dog looking at them all excited
      • We save the day. You relax.
    • Person with Rover merch on a scooter looking heroic with a dog running next to him.
      • We consume their energy. They don’t consume yours.

2. Digital Banners

  • What dogs do when they don’t get enough attention // Tagline:We’ll care for your dog. Rover)
    • Image of broken/eaten door on the bottom
      • You didn’t take him out in the afternoon.
      • He really wants to go outside.
      • Riley needs afternoon walk (with text bubble)
    • Image of a couch that has been pissed everywhere.
      • Max needed a potty break
      • Max needs potty break (with text bubble)
    • Eaten shoes
      • Duke needs playtime (with text bubble)

  • Find the dog (Waldo)
    •  A bunch of dog toys thrown on the screen and a dog in the mix somewhere with waldo clothing. “Find Waldo”
      • We are dog experts.
      • “Find waldo…. We already did” // We are dog experts
    •  A bunch of dog food thrown on the screen and a dog in the mix somewhere with waldo clothing. “Find Waldo”
    •  A bunch of dog beds thrown on the screen and a dog in the mix somewhere with waldo clothing. “Find Waldo”
  • Could also be dog camouflaging on regular stuff:
    • White fluffy dog hiding in a white fluffy bed
    • Dog hiding in the couch can only see nose
    • Dog hiding in the mud
      • “Find waldo…. We already did” // We are dog experts

  • If dogs could use write/talk they would tell you/or do what they wanted (Tagline: We got what you need. Rover)
    • Dog with phone and reading glasses (Riley on collar)
      • 3rd walk appointment for this afternoon.
      • 3rd walk scheduled for Riley
    • Dog with sign-on window inside the house and sad face
      • Please take me out!
      • Help! I need to go potty!
      • I’m about to pee the white carpet
      • Help! This is prison
    • Fat dog on computer (Duke) With food plate empty next to him
      • Drop-in schedule to feed Duke
      • Drop-in visit scheduled
      • Appointment to feed Duke

3. Tv Commercial

Shirley Solano