5 Dialogues – Kiko


Fck that guy

Girl 1: “No, he didn’t even move.”

Girl 2: “I would’ve at least honked. Some people have no shame”

Girl 1: “Yeah, I guess I was in some sort of ‘shock,’ so I just stared…”

Girl 2: “Fuck that…  I spoke with Josh because he had…”

*Conversation continued as they left the store and I was the next customer in line*



*at the Deli*

Deli employee: “Number 67! 67! Number 67! Yes, ma’am. How may I help you!?”

Ma’am: “I would like ½ of provolone please”

Deli employee: “1/2 of provolone. Anything else?”

Random guy: “Yes, a little bit of good luck on the Powerball *Laughs*”

*No one laughed except his friend*

Random guys friend: “Shit, I’ll double that and ONE pound of provolone!”

*Random guys laughed and the lady ordering smiled*


Rearview Cam Cam!

Angry Lexus owner: “I just can’t believe it. How do you crash a car that has a rear-view camera?”

Valet: “Ma’am your car…”

Angry Lexus Owner: “You look at the camera and stop when it beeps. It beeps!”

Angry Lexus Owner 2 (Husband): “You clearly hit the rear of the car. We’ve been waiting here for more than an hour and we still don’t know who is in charge of… *interrupted by wife*”

Angry Lexus Owner: “Who is the freakin’ manager in charge? Seriously, we’ve been waiting…”

*Moved away from the location as they were discussing at the parking lot where I parked (My building)*


Pet paws and laws

Person 1: “I will gladly pay but they need to put that in the contract”

Person 2: “Yes, but you need to disclose that you have a pet that weighs 20lbs or less”

Person 1: “I did. But now they say I must run it by the association. That’s not what the listing said”

Person 2: “Call the realtor or the broker. Someone needs to follow through”


Don’t play games, boy.

*Brickell trolley*

*Girl and Boy facetiming*

Girl: “I miss you. When are you coming?”

Boy: “Where are you right now?”

Girl: “I am on my way to DAP (ADPA?) but I might stop to buy something. You?”

Boy: “Just home chillin’”

Girl: “You didn’t answer [my] question. When are you coming? I miss you.”


Francisco Martinez