50 Word Horror Stories


She remembers the day she was plucked from perfect suburbia and thrown into the cage she now knows.

Her captor is now her only provider. She owes him her life. The life that he also stole from her.

Her life now confined to four walls he keeps her trapped in.


The crimson blood dripped through her fingers and onto the floor. She held the flesh up to her nose and breathed. Euphoria rushed through her body. She needed fresh blood to maintain her youth. She preferred the youngest flesh. Today, a newborn. It’s been a while since she had one.


She looked at the baby in her hands, praying its screeching cries would stop. She held the baby, barely big enough to fit in her palms. She then looked at the river in front of her, then back to the baby, and wondered.  Maybe it would finally cease its crying.

Peer Pressure

“Don’t be a pussy!”

He enters the abandoned house. The house creaks and groans with every sound revealing its old age.

He hears footsteps that aren’t his. He turns around, and screams.

His friends rushed in, greeted by a deafening silence.  

Forty years have passed since anyone has seen him.


His desperation had reached a tipping point.

He had nothing.

No home, no friends, no family.

His pain turned into freedom.  

What little dignity he had was gone.

One day, he found a hammer under the bridge.

Which passerby would it be today?

Whose blood would run the prettiest red?
Maidenly Pham