50 Word Horror Stories Ethan Vink

Her scream pierced the silence and fear gripped her very being. She could hear it breathing behind her so she froze where she was. She knew it could not see in the dark and that this was her advantage. She spun around and pierced his heart with her silver knife.

When would this night end? His eyes darted around the room looking for a way out and looking for any sign that daylight was near. The scratching at the door grew louder. The only thing now between life and death was 20 feet and a sheet of glass. 1,2,3 RUN!

Where’s every body? They should be home by now. He walked into the dimly lit room and slipped on something wet. “What the hell’s this?” he said looking at the crimson red that covered his hands and shoes. “Honey, Is that you?” The voice of his long dead wife asked.

The night was cold so he took a shortcut through the woods. Suddenly he felt as though someone or something was watching him. He could hear scurrying sounds but saw nothing. The sounds got louder and the last thing he saw were dozens of red eyes coming at him.

It was 4:00 am when the TV woke her. Starving, she walked to the kitchen for a snack. After enjoying a BPJ & milk she walked back into the living room. She was sure the TV had been on but now the room was dark and quiet, much too quiet.

Ethan Vink