50-word Stories 2 – Kiko

50-word Romantic stories.


I cheated on her.

Friday night started with too many problems for Annie. She was depressed. She continued to fool herself in cognitive dissonance that she didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a kiss. But she knew she had betrayed her diet. So, in a burst of frustration, she attacked the M&Ms bag!


Say what?

“Let’s hit the slopes, bro.” I said eagerly.

My friends agreed.

As I pondered the double diamond, I heard a voice.

“Playin’ hero?” She said.

“Baby, I’ll tear this slope like an x-mas present…” I said.

“That’s the stupidest phrase I’ve ever heard” she replied.

I immediately became immensely infatuated.


Insta …ntaneously shocked.

“Hi! Welcome! Please take a seat!” – The receptionist replied.

I sat down.

To my amazement, Amanda Sid, the Instagram hot model, was sitting next to me.

“Holy crap. Act cool. Ask her what’s up” – I thought.

“Ms. Sid, your Urologist wants to see you” – The receptionist announced.

“WHAT!?” – I said.
Hate it or fuck it.

It’s always a pleasure to indulge in immeasurable amounts of nicotine. One after the other. Fuck! How I hate what this does to me. It’s what keeps me running. If only it made me look like a Marlboro cowboy rather than a crackhead. I exhaled. Fuck yeah, I love them.


Creepy selfie

It’s a long flight to Cambodia and the plane is packed. Things seemed to be the usual, when all of the sudden the most beautiful girl sits next to me. I can’t find the words to talk to her. Then she fell asleep on me and I took a selfie.


Francisco Martinez