50 Word Stories



Her long red hair caught his eye.


He saw them going out for Thai. Sharing a bottle of red. Discussing if there was a god and what comes after death.


“What floor?” she asked as she pressed the number three on the elevator


He blinked.




They rode in silence.





“How did you meet mom?”


“I was at a club and saw the most beautiful girl on the dance floor. I watched her for a few moments. Then she threw up on the guy in front of her.”


“Mom got that drunk?!”


“No, her friend did. She helped clean up.”



Dot Dot Dot


He got careless and she got bolder.


She scrolled, message after message, looking for the one who was “just a friend”


“Can’t wait to see you tonight…” the text read.


Ellipses always suggested more.


Fuming, she waited for him to come out of the shower, ready to give him hell.







He prayed no one would take the middle seat. He liked having the armrest to himself.


She sat down, stealing the armrest and his heart. The flight ended and they exchanged numbers.


Shaking with nerves, he called.


“My wife is in the shower” said the man on the other line.





His hair was powder white. His eyes were blood-flecked and watery. His skin worn with time.


Who was this man in front of me?


“It’s me! We went to prom together in ’66.”


Time had not treated him well.


I forced a curt smile.


“See you again in 10 years.”


Maidenly Pham