50 Word Stories, Week 2

You’re Always in Love


I knew I needed to be alone without ever talking to her about it. I’d expressed my love for her a week before, a month after my last heartbreak. I had to tell a friend. His words shattered my cloud.

“You’re always in love.”

I realized I never had been.



Late Night Snapchats


The cell phone light burned exceptionally bright in the semidarkness. Xavier glanced over and saw a name that made his stomach perform a flip. He snatched up the phone.

“When will we finally get together?” a pretty face asked.

Unbridled joy filled his heart.

“Soon,” he said into the darkness.


From the Back of the Bus, With Love

Every day Nina waved to the stranger at the back of the bus.  She’d kept this habit since seeing him smile at her a month before. Today, he was gone. Someone was in her usual seat, however.

“The view’s much nicer up here,” said the stranger with a familiar smile.




Lee cast his eyes around for someone to have a game with. They fell upon a woman three lanes over.

“Hey,” he said. “I’m good at bowling. Let’s play.”

“I’ll bowl you over,” she replied.

“I’ll serve you a bowl of defeat,” he said.

They left to have dinner instead.


Scandalous Circumstances


I met her in scandalous circumstances, the kind I couldn’t tell my parents about. We dated for a year before I received that late-night call. More scandalous circumstances, without me. I tore myself apart trying to understand. I should have remembered the old adage, “once a cheater, always a cheater.”

Alex Niemann