Kids Story

Magical Flower

One day mom asked Ali to go to a store and get a cake for the family dinner. Ali was a very good girl and listen to her mom. She put on her favorite srtawberry dress and run outside. She was very proud that her mom treating her like a big girl now and trusting her to do Big Girls things. She came to the bakery next to the house and picked the most beautiful cake. On the way back she saw a lot of birds sitting across the street. She stopped and started to count them. One, two, thee…but suddenly a big Siegel appeared and grabbed her cake straight from her hands!

She started to run hoping to catch the bird but suddenly got lost. She was far away from home at some unknown but beautiful park. She set on the a bench and started to cry.

An old man came and set next to her.

“Don’t cry dear Ali, I can help you. Come with me!” -said an old man and took her hand

He brought her to a little garden and there was a shiny beautiful flower looked just like a rainbow.

“Here dear, this flower is for you” -said an old man and handed her the flower

‘But how this flower can help me?” asked Ali

“Well, it’s not just a flower, it is a magical flower that can make your wishes come true. But be wise, you have only 7 petals, red,orange,yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Just take off one petal, close your eyes and say your wish” – said with a kind smile an old man

Ali took off a petal, closed her eyes and said:

“I want to be home with my cake right now”.

She opened her eyes and an old man was not there anymore, she was behind  the house door holing her cake.

Mom heard some noised and opened the door for her.

“Good job sweetie, you are such a big girl now, so proud of you!”

She took the cake and went to the kitchen.

“Wow this flower is really magical, I’m going to put it in a beautiful vase and keep it safe”- thought Ali and started to claim up on the chair to rich the vase.

Suddenly she got distracted by some croaking outside and the vase slipped off her hands.

“Hey sweetie, did you break something? What was that noise? I hope it’s not my favorite vase!” – screamed mom from the kitchen.

“No mommy, I didn’t” – replied Ali

She took off the second petal from the magical flower and wished to make this vase whole again. Suddenly all the pieces came back together and the vase was like a new again.

Ali was very amused by this magical power and started to think what else she can ask for.

She run downstairs and started to look around. Around the corner she noticed some girls playing Jungle game. They were running around, laughing and pretending to be an animal.

“Can I play with you?” -asked Ali

“No, this is only for big girls like us, jungle is too dangerous for little girls like you” – said the oldest there girl and started to laugh.

Ali got very sad and said that she can go to her own jungle without them.

She took off the 3d petal, closed her and said:

“I want to go to a jungle, the real one!”

She opened her eyes and landed in a place with huge trees and lot’s of different animals. She turned her head and saw a big black cat staring at her and seemed like it was about to jump. She got very scared and started to run, the cat was about to bite her leg but she took off the 4th petal and wished to be back again.

She opened her eyes exactly where she left, finally she was safe.

Now Ali has only 3 petals left what can she wish? A toy, chocolate or maybe..wait, yes toys is a good idea!

She took off her 5th petal and said:

“I want all toys in the world be mine”!

Suddenly all the toys started to come off the shelfs and walk towards her. Balls, dolls, piano, balloons, stuffed animals and thousands toys more. They were coming closer and closer and very soon a big mountain of toys was right on top of her.

She started to cry and told them it was a joke but toys didn’t listen. She had no choice but to make her 6th wish and send them back to their stores.

She spent almost all of her petals but still wasn’t happy making her wishes. She started to think what can be the most favorite wish that can make her happy.

Maybe a box of candies, or a big house for my barbies, a strawberry umbrella to match my favorite dress, pink sparkling shoes, a coloring book, a puppy, and plate full of donuts and what if I get it all together at once? – was talking Ali to herself.

“Are you talking to me or to yourself ?” -asked a girl with glasses sitting on a bench.

“Sorry I didn’t see you. My name is Ali. What is your name?” – said Ali, smiled and set next to her.

“My name is Nancy”- said little girl.

“Nancy would you like to play with me?” asked Ali

“Sure. What game?” – replied Nancy

“Let’s play hide and seek, my favorite game”- got excited Ali

Nancy’s face suddenly got changed like Ali said something bad. She turned around, took her stick and started to walk.

“Wait Nancy, what is wrong, I just wanted to play, it’s a really fun game”- said Ali, trying to stop her.

Nancy took off her glasses and said:

” I wish I can play with you, but I can no see since I was born and doctors said this is forever” – said Nancy and put her head down.

Ali was holding her magical flower with only one last petal but she knew what to do. She closed her eyes and said:

” I want Nancy to be able to see everything!”

At that exact time Nancy was able to see and they started to play hide and sick, non stop laughing and having the best time ever. They were running around and didn’t notice how found themselves at the same garden where Ali met an old man.

“On no, I got lost again! Sorry Nancy, I don’t even know how to bring you back home” -said Ali and started to cry.

“Hello Ali, you are here again!”- said an old man, sitting on the same bench.

“Please help me, I spent my last petal on Nancy” – bedded Ali

“Well I know everything. Almost all of the petals was waisted, they will never come back to you but the last one was the the best decision you made. You helped this little girl and that is why that last petal came back to me. Look how shiny and beautiful it is, maybe we can grow a new flower from it. Let’s go to my garden” – said an old man and took Ali’s and Nancy’s hands.

They diggged a little hole, put the petal inside, cover with dirt and pour some water on top. Very soon the magic flower grew back again, all the same shiny and colorful just like a rainbow!


The end




Oxana Lukyanchenko