Photo story

The good kind of fight 

The weeks before the meeting were very difficult for him, his wife had passed away a year ago it was hard to work and handle the kids on his own, but he had a chance, a big client was coming and if he nailed it he would be promoted, that means a better pay and less time in the office and more time with the kids, it was perfect.

The client needed a new campaing for his pillow company,to remark that he’s pillows where the softest he wanted something funny and new, new consumers young and with a family, he was the target of the campaign so it would be more easy.

No matter how much he tried, he had nothing, in the days he could only think in pillows and in his kids , he was frozen, in the night he just looked at the coursed extra pillow in his bed hating it wanting to take it away, he thought her wife would help him and give them a better life, so he keep that pillow that hunted him so much.

As the meeting was getting closer he became depressed and obsessed about the campaign, he didn’t even saw the kids that week,he thought he was doing it for them so it was okey but it wasn’t the kids were alone they felt abandoned and sad.

One night he couldn’t sleep he was done with everything angry and couldn’t sleep, suddenly he heard some noises in the other room, the kids were playing screaming and laughing, at first he let it pass but as he heard the noises he felt anger growing in him, he kept looking at his wife pillow now crying, took the pillow and putt it agains his face, scream as loud as he could.

Suddenly  he felt calm and renovated, her wife had helped him putt away all the anger, he felt peace inside, now the laughter of the children was music, melodious, just beautiful. Took his wife pillow and went to the children room, as he opened the door the kids shut up, there was a few seconds of silences then he just started playing with them, it was a pillow fight and the kids were loving it… as he got exited he hit one of the kids way to hard and it sound like a drum the kid fall down on his back and started hysterically laughing… -I got it! , I GOT IT!!!! He said

He slept in his kids room that night.In the morning he left them at school and went to his job with a smile on his face, the next week he went to the meeting and got the new client, with the promotion he got the time to have a pillow fight every night with his kids, it was the favorite part of the day, that and  holding that pillow before going to sleep.

Hernan Irrazabal