Character Development Sheet Ana #1


Ana Greenfield was born in Australia. She was born to a free-range farming family. Ana loved the feeling the breeze when her father drove his Jeep wrangler, her blonde hair would feather away when the wind carried it. Her eyes were hazel and when you saw her in the sun, you could see the specks of blue and brown towards her cornea. She didn’t love Barbie’s during her childhood, she was usually out somewhere wrangling the chickens or riding a horse. When Ana was 7 years, she went out with her dad to retrieve a run-away cow. Australia is known for its nonlinear weather, and despite the dark skies that day, her father still drove off. When they found the stray, her father got off on foot to retrieve it from a cliff but lost his footing and fell, he perished from the impact. This memory didn’t repress Ana’s outgoing behavior but it did put a dent to her vulnerability and feared getting close anyone. Years into high school, Ana grew into a tall beautiful woman. She had an oval face with plump lips, a tiny but proportionate nose and large alluring eyes. She barely got through high school as she struggled to find her academic purpose but salvaged her grades on her senior year. She preferred school for their sports and was a decorated district sprinter. Ana usually always found herself with tan lines because she still found herself outside moving around, she didn’t like to sit around for long periods of time. After Ana graduated high school, she earned a scholarship to an athletic marketing program in Japan. She deeply desired to go professional in the sprinting world and use her marketing degree as back-up for a “if all fails” scenario. It’s not that she didn’t like it, it’s that her passion was sprinting. She and her mother became very close and the news brought them momentarily more together before her departing date. In her last summer before transitioning to Japan, she spent time trying to find herself. The best thing that could happen is a new adventure and maybe meeting someone that could get past her emotional defense guard. She spent a lot of time surfing in solitude because she preferred for it to be that way. She did have friends but she still felt alone. Ana was seemingly “too proud” which was really the equivalent to a Gorilla beating its chest to a threat, nothing but means to seem strong.

Gustavo Bendana