Green wants green

Her phone was ringing, once again. The non stop calling has been going on for weeks now. Sarah doesn’t know what to do anymore. Decides to answer

“I swear I’ll call the police!” Sarah yelled as her dad walked in the room.

“Whats going?!”

Sarah puts the phone on speaker.

“Is that him again?” her dad whispered

“Yes” she replied

“If I don’t have $1,000,000 in my possession by midnight you’re all dead” said the stalker on the phone.

“Who are you?!!!” Sarah screamed, crying.

“I’m something the police can’t stop so you can call them, it’ll be easy haha!” he screamed

Sarah’s dad looks over the window and sees a huge green monster flying with two guns.

“Oh my god!!” He screamed. “I’ll give you $1,000,000 please don’t kill us!”

Sarah called 911 and police arrived.

A massive shoot out breaks out between the monster and the police. The monster finally dies.




Jose Padilla