Phantom Hose

A hand reached from my phone’s earpiece and choked me. And another started to punch me. I was asleep. Whatever this thing was was stronger than me and threw me off the bed. It had been awhile since I had sleep paralysis. This was vivid. I snapped out of my fear and fought back.

I grabbed a bottle of an aged tequila given to me on my birthday. I popped it and poured it over the phone and my bed. I tossed a match and it lit up the scene. The phone let out a scream and the arms curled in the fire and turned into tentacles. I grabbed a hose next to my bed and put it out.

I woke up the next day bed intact and next to my phone. I got up and the morning light hit the trash bin. The bottle was in there, all gone.

Oscar Sardiñas