Love Poems

Through Windows

Her eyes find my own

Inviting my soul to dance

Such life in her glance


Winter Is Over

The fire grows larger

What was once frozen now melts

A warm heart remains



A familiar face within a crowd

Eyes mistaken, the music too loud

Or was it my heart, it’s rhythm pounding

My soul soaring, my spirits bounding


I spoke first, my intentions clear

Your voice foreign, clearly not from around here

You were alone, but not for long

I took your hand, and we danced to our first song


We laughed and smiled, a language of its own

I tried my hardest to bring you home

My efforts you resisted, not even a kiss

But I still persisted, next time I wouldn’t miss


We danced yet again, amidst the dim candle light

And finally our lips met, this time without a fight

The waltz would continue, the music never ceased to play

Now you are mine, in my heart forever to stay

Oliver Permut