Fuck My Life

The perfect day.

I got completely drunk on the train, wanted to go an visit my friend in Germany. I ended up in another city, with the same name, but with one difference, one was in the south of France, and the other one in the north of Germany.


Never forget day.

Today I finally started my new life. Flew over for the first time to the USA and after a 10 hour flight, 6 hours of difference and two melatonin pills mixed with one bottle of wine. I realized I had left my visa on my bedroom desk, back in Madrid.


Fortune day.

Went out running to the street, it was raining as I had ever seen before. Went out with no umbrella, ran to my car to get my computer. But there was no car, and no computer, both of them were towed away for 355 dollars.


Patricia Arguelles