Photo Story

As father as son

Dave was about to turn 6 when his mom died and he stayed alone with his father. His dad was always a role model for Dave and he did everything he could to make him happy. Everyday he would pick him up from school and bring  something new, like a LEGO, a funny t-shirt, favorite snack, a book, anything to make his son smile again. Every weekend they would go to a zoo, watch a game, go to a movie and eat popcorn or go to the beach.

One day they decided to go to the beach and have a picnic.

“Daddy ?”-said Dave

“Yes dear” said Dad

“You know I never asked you what do you like to do the most? You always spend time with me and I never see you doing anything else”.

Dad did’t say anything but picked up a stick and started to draw something on the sand.

Dave was just looking at him, trying to understand what it was.

“Now, you see all this tools? This is what I like to do and this is what I have been doing for a very long time. I build different things for people and use all this tools at my work.” – said Dad

Dave got very curios about it and then realized the reason he loved to build everything too. Then Dave asked his dad if he could teach him something. Dad got very excited and decided to showed him his secret room downstairs of their house.

When they came back home, father  took his keys and went downstairs with Dave. He opened the door and turn the light on. The room was very big and different tools were all around it. Dad took one very interesting tool that Dave have never seen before and started to do something. In just a couple of minutes he mad a wooden plane and gave it to Dave.

“Wow! Can you teach me that too!” – asked Dave

Since then Dave and his father would spend hours and hours at the secret room making together different things. Time went by and one day dad got very sick. Dave had to stop school and took care of the family. He decided to take everything they were making and sell on a local market close by the house. The sales were very successful and he sold out almost everything in one month. Dave would spend all of his time building and creating different things just to have money to help his dad but sickness was getting worst. One day Dave came back from the market and found his dad at the secret room without moving. He sit next to him and said:

“I promise I will continue your path and you will be proud of me”

And now after 10 yers Dave is the owner  of the biggest construction company in the world.



Oxana Lukyanchenko