50 Word Story Week 2 Ethan Vink

Today is the 27,375th day I have loved you. How is that even possible you ask, well I’ll tell you. The day we met you wore those silly little pigtails with the orange bows. I chased you relentlessly that day, seems like I been chasing after you ever since.


Every time she closed her eyes she saw him. How could she go on without him when he had been her whole world for so long? He was the man she was going to grow old with and now he was gone. In her head she counted, 50 years alone.


“Stalker”, is that the word a judge would use? That’s what his friends were calling him. He could not help it, she was the most beautiful creature. He had to meet her tonight. Surely he could win her heart if she heard him play the song he wrote for her.


He struggled not to pass out as he watched his baby’s head crown. My God, he thought, this woman I love made a new human being. He held his breath as his daughter made her way into the world. Two women to love now, was he worthy? Let’s find out.


His heart raced and his breaths were ragged. What if she said no, what if she laughed? Suddenly it was now or never. He dropped to one knee, took the box out and looked up at her. She was crying and nodding yes before he even said those four words.

Ethan Vink