Tokyo Love Story 2 – Kiko

The Wasabi Diaries.

*Plane starts to descend*

*As it touches down at Tokyo’s Haneda international airport, Johanna looks out the window and enthusiastically turns ON her roaming to text her friend Lisa*

Johanna writes: Who’s ready for some sake-sake, baby! …just landed [/insert happy Japanese emoji teehee!]

Lisa writes back: Woot! Woot! Harigato Kawasaki!

Johanna writes: Let’s meet at Kurosato for Uni rolls! Please! Saw it on Anthony Bourdain. Wanna go so bad. #SorryImBasic

Lisa writes: Sounds good, when do you think you’ll be there? I still need to finish presenting a proposal.

Johanna writes: In about an hour or so… depends if they have drug-sniffing dogs or not. LOL jk… 4:30pm?

Lisa writes: LMAO! Bitch you cray. Alright, I will try to be there by 4:30pm… might be a couple minutes late, but you can wait for me at the bar. YOU’VE GOTTA TRY THEIR SAKE SUNTORI PEACH INFUSED COCKTAIL!!!

Johanna writes: OMG that sounds good… wtf is Suntori?

Lisa writes: It’s like an A-list whiskey they have here. Has won like a shitload of awards.

Johanna writes: ooh la la! OK.. see you there, then!

Lisa writes: xoxo


– Scene changes to Kurosato restaurant bar –

*Johanna enters and sits at the bar next to a noisy group of Americans*

*As Johanna tries to read the cocktail menu, she is annoyed by the loud remarks of her bar neighbors until suddenly one approaches her*

Connor: Do you know if they sell bacon sushi? These rolls we’re eatin’ just ain’t working out! Ha!

Johanna: *Johanna looks in confusion to why he would be addressing her* Excuse me, I don’t speak English (In fake accent)

Connor: Oh, where are you from!?

Johanna: Sweden. I don’t speak eng— (In fake accent)

*Connor interrupts*

Connor: NICE! SWEDEN! Love it. Always wanted to go there. What brings you over to Tokyo?

Johanna: The sushi green-paste they have here. It’s the best (In fake accent)

Connor: Oh really? Interesting…

Johanna: Yes, it is quite famous. What is your name? (Still in fake accent)

Connor: Connor. My name is Connor. And yours?

*Obnoxious loud crowd of Connor friends can be heard cheering in the back as one of them chugs two sake bottles at once*

*Without wanting to lose time giving out her name, Johanna immediately suggests a tactic to brush Connor off of her*

Johanna: Listen, Conneer…

*Connor immediately interrupts to correct her*

Connor: ConnOR.

*Johanna doesn’t care about the correction made*

Johanna: Yes… Listen, I dare you to eat all of the green-paste.

Connor: This thing? *Points at wasabi on his plate*

Johanna: Yes. That.

Connor: What do I get in return? I mean if it’s so “famous” why are you daring me to ea—

*Johanna interrupts*

Johanna: I will give you my number.

*Connor without hesitation eats the wasabi only to realize it massively spicy and starts to cough uncontrollably as he tries to drink water*

*Connor friends apparently realize what’s going on and start laughing at Connor*

*Johanna, with a smirk on her face, gets up and leaves the restaurant, texting Lisa to meet her at another restaurant*


– Scene changes to robot nightclub –

*As loud music blasts in the background*

Lisa: These people here are weird but I love it! I am so glad you came!

Johanna: I think I drank too many of these green cocktails! Let’s get out of here!

Lisa: OK!


– Scene changes to subway entrance at the turnstiles –

*Johanna and Lisa are drunk*

Lisa: Hm. Fuck.

Johanna: What? What’s up?

Lisa: Can’t remember where I put …where …where I put my thingy.

Johanna: What thingy, biyotch??

Lisa: The subways thingy (referring to the subway pass)

Johanna: C’mon girl, just Brooklyn this shit!!! *tries to jump turnstile and falls face first, hitting her elbow*


*A group of Japanese look in shock and comment to each other in disapproval*

*Connor interrupts*

Connor: *facing the Japanese onlookers* Don’t worry, guys. I’ll pay for her fare. Sorry you had to see that.

Connor: *as he swipes his subway pass on the turnstile* You know, I should’ve left you here for what you did to me… You’re lucky that wasabi ended cleansing my palate from that awful Uni roll.

Johanna: *Laughs*

Lisa:  Is this the guy from Kurosato?

Johanna: Yeah, this is the “dude” *says while making fun of Connor’s fraternity enunciation*

Connor: Aw man, really? I came all the way to Japan to meet an American girl. Geeze. That’s just my luck.

Lisa: Listen you weasel, you wish you cou—

*Johanna interrupts*

Johanna: Shs, Lisa I’ve got this.

Johanna: First of all… Thank you for paying this thingy. Honestly… thank you.

Michael (Connor’s friend): Dude, you scrapped your elbow pretty bad.

*Johanna ignores Michael like he doesn’t exist and continues to address Connor*

Johanna: Second of all… YOU should be honored you’ve finally met me… you obnoxious frat boy.

Connor: Frat boy? *Laughs* Ok, Ok. Let’s chill for a second, shall we? I am actually a graduate. Not a college boy.

*They get on the subway*

*Conversation continues until Connor gets to his subway stop*

Connor: Ok, “Four-Loko girl” here is where I get off.

Johanna: Alright, “wasabi dude.” It was nice meeting you. I actually enjoyed talking to you. Who would’ve thought, huh?

Connor: *Laughs* Yeah, when I’m not choking on wasabi, I am actually a pretty funny guy…

Johanna: *laughs*

Connor: So, what do you say if we see each other soon? Maybe take a walk in that cherry blossom park… I heard it’s the perfect place to be obnoxious… ahem, I mean romantic.

*Johanna gives Connor her number*

*Michael tries to do the same with Lisa*

Michael: Hey, girl… do you wa-

*Lisa interrupts*

Lisa: Don’t.

*Michael retreats immediately and follows Connor out*

– Scene changes to Cherry Blossom Park –

*Connor spots Johanna from afar*

Connor: Hey!

Johanna: Hey there!

Connor: For a second I thought you were that girl *jokingly points at Japanese girl dressed in anime costume*

Johanna: *Laughs* Shut up.

*Evening continues and Johanna walks alongside the lake with Connor, eating a green tea ice cream*

Connor: This green tea ice cream ain’t all that bad.

Johanna: Admit it. You like it! I told you, you would!

Connor: I think you like it more than I do…

Johanna: Oh, it’s the best. I love it.

Connor: So if I do this… do I get a kiss?? *gets his lips covered in ice cream in a joking manner while making a duck face*

Johanna: *Laughs uncontrollably* OMG, gross!

Connor: Gross!? How dare you!? *Laughs*

*Both pause and stare at each other for what felt like minutes, but were just seconds*

*In the mists of it all, Connor moves in for a kiss*

*Johanna and Connor kiss passionately*

Johanna: I really enjoyed tonight. Too bad you live in Tennessee. *says with disappointment*

Connor: I know. It’s too bad you live in that stinky city too. *Laughs*

Johanna: Whatever… say what you want. New York city is the best city in the world. *Laughs*

 – Connor and Johanna continued to talk, eventually leading to Connor’s move to New York city to be closer to Johanna –

– They lasted 9 months and broke up –

– Connor is now stuck in New York city and is absorbed in his fast-paced work environment. He is now an alcoholic. –

Francisco Martinez