50 Word Stories 2


“This whole year you’ve thought you were better than us because when people looked at you, they looked past every single one of us. But here’s the truth: winter has arrived, and without us, you are nothing,” said the last leaf, outraged and heartbroken, as she fell to the ground.


Growing up

One second you were telling me how your girlfriend’s out of town and the next, you’re kissing me. I don’t want half of you. I deserve better. So I fixed my lipstick and walked out of that bathroom. I might have looked the same, but believe me—I had changed.


A text

Isn’t it poetic that our story ended just like it had started? It began with a swipe, and then a shared bottle of wine. This time, however, the bottle went first (all for myself), and then: the swipe. His name is Diego and I’m looking forward to our date tonight.


New beginnings

The letter read: “I thought I’d write you one last time to say that I should never have given you a second chance. I knew you’d be back in there in a matter of months. I am moving. And this is the end.” Now, it really felt like a prison.


The punishment

She watched him closely, followed him everywhere. Having all the time in the world, she felt like there was nothing better to do. She hadn’t been the best girlfriend, or friend, but she definitely didn’t deserve this. She was there, yet he couldn’t see her. “I must be in hell.”

Carla Urdaneta