50 word story


When I lie next to him I can hear his heart and, like a wave, it comes and goes and takes mine away. With a swing of heartbeats I fall asleep. His breathing whistles in my dreams and when I wake up I forget who we were before our sleep.

Love declaration 

I will never love you so therefore I will never hate you. I will always be distant so you can never reach my heart. I will close my eyes and you won’t even see my soul. See,  this is the only way we can protect ourselves from one and other.

I confess 

In one of those random nights, when you get lost drinking, I met Claire. She was a French girl with black eyes, very pale skin, dark her and a cheeky smile. She was wearing a blue dress. Nobody saw her, only me, and I fell in love with her.

Young & Beautiful 

Two 6 year old kids are silently holding hands under a cherry tree. They are staring  at each other completely mesmerized. No words are needed to explain what they I are feeling, only a big and silent smile can tell, how their innocent love is born for the first time.

Always do as your told 

Run up the hill, he said, and she ran to the top and back. Kiss me he said and she kissed him for ever. Hug me he said and she fell asleep in his arms. Love me he said and she did it. Now, hate me, and she killed him.

Patricia Arguelles