
Beach time 

Two little boys are playing with a surfboard at the sea´s shore. They are arguing because the old brother doesn’t allow their little sister play with them and the younger boy wants her to play.

Big boy:

She is not playing with us. She can´t play with us. 

He picks up the surfboard and puts it in the water.

Small boy:

But why!? Thats not cool. You are going to make her cry.

He tries to pull the surfboard towards him with a desperate face.

Big boy:

I don’t care. 

He pulls the surfboard again.

Small boy:

Well I am going to play with her. I don’t want mom to get angry with us. 

He pushes the surfboard very hard towards his older brother trying to hurt him with it.

Big boy:

You don’t understand nothing. Girls can’t play with boys and she is a girl and she is little and annoying. 

He sits on the surfboard and tries to paddle with his arms

Small boy:
I don’t care. You will play alone. 

The little boy runs away very angry.


Two students in school discuss about the dog that one of them has. The boy is the owner of the dog and the girl is curious to know about Jasmine.


Hello jasmine. You look cute with your pink necklace. 

She caresses the dog while she makes a noise of excitement that the dog really appreciates.


How old is she?


I don’t know. I think she is 5. I adopted her. She came from prison. 

He also caresses the dog.


From prison??


Well not from a real prison but from dogs prison. 

He laughs. .


Ooouu I understand. Mine also came from prison. Her name is Milly. 

They both keep caressing the dog with a big smile.


A group of woman are standing at the St. Valentine card section. They are choosing their cards.

They pick one card:


They all say at once.

They pick another card:


They pick another card:


They laugh out loud all at once.

One of them speaks:

My husband doesn’t deserve a card.

And they all laugh:


Lincoln Road 

Two women are talking in the middle of Liconln Road and they have their kids standing next to them. One of them has a white dress and the other is wearing jeans.

Woman in white:

You know the other day they told me that Kim´s kid pushed a girl in class. And apparently Kim didn’t do anything about it. 

Woman in jeans:

I think that she doesn’t really care about how to educate her kid, she just buys him presents and tries to keep him occupied. But she is not trying to educate him as a person. 

Meanwhile their kids are standing quietly looking at each other. They don’t have a very friendly face. They are up to something.

Woman in white: 

Those women I don’t know why the had kids. Like if you are not going to do well your job as a mom don’t be a mom. 

She judges the poor Kim while she caresses her son.

Woman in jeans:

I totally agree with you. 

She also caresses her kid.

In that moment the two kids run away from their moms. It seems that what they were up to was to escape from them.

They start to scream their names.

My building 

I hear a man screaming in my corridor.

You forgot to take the trash bin !!!

A woman answers:

And you forgot to get your shit together!! 

Patricia Arguelles