50 Words

Story of Confession
I feel this peace inside that only you give.
I often wonder why we met.
I’m starting to think it was to name our kid’s nick and Bret.
Girl, I love you, and I get down on this knee and confess that my life with you is truly blessed.

Landing in Paris
How could he?”
“I miss him.”
You’ll get over him soon enough.”
“Do you think he misses me?”
“If he did, you wouldn’t be asking yourself…
“You’re right, time to move the fuck on”
“Hi, I’d like to accept the position. I’m looking forward to moving to Paris.”
“I’m proud!”

Bleeding Bonnie and Clyde
“I crave you, I desire you, I need you, and I almost bleed you.”
“I’ve missed you, I’ve needed you like the blood in veins!”
“Be with me, run with me, lets live life shall we?”
“Life, as yours?”
“There’s no life without you, marry me?”
“OH my god yes, Clyde!”

Red Bottom Adventure
“Why the fuck not?”
“I said so!“
“You aren’t the boss of me!”
“Who is, that fuck face or the bouncer? What are you gonna do? Go back to stripping? Ha, you weren’t that good anyway.”
“Watch me! Just for the record, you aren’t that good! The bouncer is better!”

The Romantic Fuck Up
Thoughts: “Why am I such a dick?
Gossip: “I told him I need time to think.”
Thoughts: “I know I love her!”
Gossip: “I love him, but I can’t love him more than me.”
Thoughts: “She doesn’t want to speak to me.”
Knocks: “delivery for Kate!”
The note reads: “20 balloons- 20 reasons why I love you.”


Natalie Castro