50 Word Short Stories – Week 2

Overthinkers Anonymous

 As soon as I hit send, anxiety rears its ugly head. What if she doesn’t answer? Maybe she doesn’t want to see me? Minutes become hours, and my heart rate climbs with each tick of the clock. Finally, I resolve myself to an unforgiving truth: she isn’t responding. And then… ding! The shrill sound of relief.




 The door slams shut, but we both know that this isn’t over. Another bump in the road. We haven’t driven on smooth pavement in quite some time. We’re addicted to the turbulence. I’ve learned to give her space. Finally, a knock at the door. My patience is rewarded. For now…



Do you have a light?

 We make eyes. We both pretend to be absorbed in conversation. I’ve absorbed nothing. I catch her looking again. Or did she catch me? I take a big sip of my drink and approach with a cigarette hanging from my lip. I ask her for a lighter. She doesn’t have one. It doesn’t matter.




 “This isn’t going to be like last time,” she says. I laugh. “No seriously, I’m not going home with you again.” I shrug off her feeble attempts at innocence. We enter the bar. Two hours later, we exit the bar with my arm around her waist. “This is going to be exactly like last time,” I think to myself.



Last Valentine’s Day

The table is set. Candles lit, music playing softly. I escort her to our private dining room. Her favorite food awaits. She is pleased. Here’s your card she says, and I read it appreciatively. It dawns on me. I’ve forgotten hers. The tears begin to flow. “I think we should take a break,” she musters. “Yes, a very long break,” I agree.


Oliver Permut