
Talk #UBER

-Hola! Oxana? – driver

Hi! Yes – me

-Hablas Espanaol? – driver

-No- me

-Oh, where you from? – driver

-Russia – me

-Russiaa! I’m from Cuba. How long you live here? – driver-

– I just moved from NY – me

-You like Miami? -driver

-Mmmm, I like the beach and the weather. I miss NY. – me

– You working here ? – driver

– Yes I work and I go to Miami Ad School in Wynwood. – me

-You like it here? -driver

-I love it…Here on the left -me

-Aki? driver

-Yes perfect, thank you. Have a great day.

Super Kale Salad

– Hello! How are you doing today? What would you like to drink?-server

– Hi, ice water is fine. – lady M

– Ready to order or you need some more time? – server

– I think I’m ready, I would like some Super Kale Salad. There is no meet right? – lady

-No there is not. Great choice.- server

– Here we go your salad. – server

-Wow looks amazing, thank you! – lady

-Enjoy! -server with a big smile

– May I have my check? -lady

-Sure! Here we go. -server

Thanks  have a great day! – lady

You too- server

How to get over your ex

-Hey Kalie, what’t up?

-Hi Nickole! I’m great, went on a date  last night. Came home at 6 am. So tired.

-Nice, how was it? Where did you meet?

-We met on Tinder.

-Really? I don’t trust on line dating.

-I use it all the time since I broke up with my ex. It helped me to distract myself from him. Try it, maybe you will like it.


Get over it

-Hi girl! Saw your IG picture yesterday. Where was it?

-LIV with my ex

-What? You went back together ?

-Yep…I know, don’t tell me. Can’t help it. I gave him last chance

-Aha..I’ve heard this before. You can’t change people and you shouldn’t try. If this relationship doesn’t make you happy what is the point to have it?

-I love you!

-Love you too

Posponed shopping

-Hi Exarella, can you pick up my check tomorrow from the office?

-Hi, my car got broken, I will go next week.

-Oh no, sorry about that. Well, whenever you can.

-Ok,  will let you know.

Thank you!


-I need someone to kick my butt to the gym

  • I watch motivational videos every morning
  • Does it help you?
  • Yes a lot. I will send you some. You can also come to my gym, I will get you a pass.

No breaks

-Hey, where are ya? Come to Wynwood for pregame then to a club

The next morning

-Sorry I missed your text, fall asleep last nigh

-Hey come to Heart!

-What ? Are you are still up? Wow you are the party animal.


-Hey girl, don’t forget today is my birthday and you are invited

-Oh, Happy Birthday beautiful! Wish you all the best. Will do my best to make it.

-I will send you an invitation on Facebook, you will see the address. See ya!


Crazy Hair I don’t Care

-Look at this girl hair. That is crazy.

-I think is cool

-Well I would never do that

-Well, she is not you. You are no here. Let people do what ever they want.

Surprise Visit

-Hey, I’m in Miami for a week. Wanna show me around ?

-Wow, what a surprise, I wish you told me that before.

-I totally forgot you live here now.

-Well, my schedule is very crazy right now but I will figure something out for you.

-Yay! Let me know.

Blood Moon

-Hey, I’m going to drum circle tonight! It’s gonna be fun. Wanna join?

-Oh yes, tonight is the Blood Moon. Where is it? On the beach?

-Yes. Will text you the address.

-Cool. See you there. Come around 9 pm.

Not getting any better

-Hello dear! How is everything with school and work?

-It’s good. I got a new job as assistant of director of a Fitness Studio

-Sounds like something you will like

-I think so too

-Happy for you

-How is your back? Getting better?

-Not really. Getting worst every day. Can’t even walk anymore. Last day in a hospital but don’t feel any better

-Oh I wish I could help. Will try to find maybe a good back belt.

-Well, I’m getting old, this is what you get from working physically your whole life.

Matcha Love

-Can’t really find any Asian stores in Coconut Grove. Spanish mostly.

-Really? You want me to send something from NY.

-Yea! I need matcha in my life so bad.

-Give me your address I will send it tomorrow. Want anything else?

-No. Matcha is all I need.

-You got it!

Up to the mountains 

-Do you snowboard? We are going to Vermont. this weekend.

-I ski yes, but I don’t think I have time this weekend.

-Common, you want me to fly you over?

-No, it’s ok. I’m gonna skip this year.

-Well too bad, I will send you some pictures!

Oxana Lukyanchenko