50 word horror stories

Cute puppies 

I was running alone through a poppy field and an eagle grabbed me by the neck. I managed to escape by pulling him to the ground. But when I thought I had overcome fear he had already eaten my whole family, one by one, as if they were newborn puppies.

It was just a dream

She had two names and two personalities but she only new about one,  until one night. She woke up screaming from a dream where a girl called Ines was sitting on her lap trying to hit her. The next morning her mom told her that Ines was her middle name.


She was combing herself in the mirror while she sang Edith Piaf .She could see in the reflection of the mirror her room.  She heard a voice over hers, someone else was mumbling. She looked up in the mirror and saw a man in her room staring at her, singing.

A photo can turn into a nightmare

One day looking through my family photo book I found a very disturbing picture of when I was 10 years old. My mom was holding me in her arms and a man just like my grandfather was standing right next to us. Funny, because I have never ever met him.

I am not a sleepwalker 

The room were I used to sleep in school was known because many girls who had slept in it often became sleepwalkers during the night. The first night I tried hard not to fall asleep but at the end I did. I woke up standing in the middle of the kitchen.

Patricia Arguelles