50 Word Stories

Breakfast with Friends


The sun jolted me awake. Brandon and Chaz lay peacefully on the floor. Breakfast was enjoyable enough, though Chaz and Brandon were beginning to spoil. As I brushed their taste out of my mouth, police broke through my front door. They took me without asking questions. My kitchen told enough.


Lies in the Dark


Lisa woke to the sound of shattering glass. She crept to the stairs and looked down. Her husband stood in the hallway.

“What happened?” she asked.

“Nothing dear, be up in a sec,” came a muffled reply.

As she turned away, he disappeared. A bloodstained knife flashed. The stairs creaked.


The Keeper of the Woods


The girl stared into the night. A voice spoke.

“It’s cold, would you let me in?”

“Who are you?”

“I’m the Keeper of the Woods.”

“Shouldn’t you be there then?” she said.

“I would, but it’s terribly cold.”

The girl pulled open the screen door. Her scream was cut short.




The stray looked back meaningfully. Anna followed, sure that the dog had some important mission in mind. She suddenly realized she couldn’t see the stray anymore. Anna cast her flashlight around. It illuminated many pairs of glowing yellow eyes. Growls issued from the brush. The stray had accomplished its mission.




The hunter crept through the brush, following the doe’s trail. Crushed grass had turned to blood splatters. Long claw marks appeared here and there. At last, he came to the doe. It was torn to pieces. Hot breath washed over the hunter’s neck. There was no time to cry out.

Alex Niemann