Children Story About Giraffe

Why giraffe has a  long neck (2 min)

On a beautiful sunny day a giraffe family came to a park for a picnic. There was mom, dad and tree brothers kids. The older one was very polite and listen to their parents, the youngest one was very naughty and loved to hide toys away from his brothers. No one liked to play with him and he decided to  go on adventure by him self. He took his orange and started to walk. First one he met was a monkey.

-Hey giraffe! Would you like a banana? asked a monkey

-Of course-said giraffe and grabbed  it right from his hands

-Would you share your orange with me? -asked a monkey

-Well I need it all to myself- said giraffe and walked away

The monkey got very sad and never talked to giraffe again.

Next one on the way he met a zebra.

-Hey giraffe, did you hear there is free necks giving away?

-Really? Free? Where?

-Go and see. You will love it. I will show you the way.

-But what is neck?

-You see this under my chin. This is my neck.

Giraffe got very excited and started follow zebra. That place was very close and very soon they got there.

-Hello? Do you give fee necks?asked giraff

-Yes, which one would you like?

-What do you have: asked giraffe

-We have anything you ever wanted. Long, short, round, thin or thick. And it’s all free.

“Well if they give it for free, why would I choose the small one?”- thought giraffe.

Here is why giraffe has a long neck.

Why giraffe has a  long neck (1 min)

One day a giraffe was walking in the park and met a zebra.

-Hey giraffe, did you hear there is free necks giving away?

-Really? Free? Where?

-Go and see. You will love it. I will show you the way.

-But what is neck?

-You see this under my chin. This is my neck.

Giraffe got very excited and started follow zebra. That place was very close and very soon they got there.

-Hello? Do you give fee necks?asked giraff

-Yes, which one would you like?

-What do you have: asked giraffe

-We have anything you ever wanted. Long, short, round, thin or thick. And it’s all free.

“Well if they give it for free, why would I choose the small one?”- thought giraffe.

Here is why giraffe has a long neck.

1 min

Why giraffe has a  long neck (30 sec)

One day a giraffe was walking in the park and met a zebra.

-Hey giraffe, did you hear there is free necks give away?

-Free? Where?

-Follow me.

-But what is neck?

Giraffe got very excited and started follow zebra.

-Hello? Do you give fee necks?asked giraff

-Yes, which one would you like? Long, short? And it’s all free.

“Well if they give it for free, why would I choose the small one?”- thought giraffe.

Here is why giraffe has a long neck.


Oxana Lukyanchenko