
“You didn’t clean the oven!”


“It’s already clean… plus I didn’t know that was on the checklist.”


“Si, it is! I have to write it down.”


“Seriously? There’s literally nothing in there.”


“Si mami, I have to.”





“How was your casting?”


“I got it! It was literally so easy. They had us slip on a pair of size 6 shoes and whoever didn’t fit was sent home. I was the first girl who could wear them. They told me on the spot it was mine. Then they brught in the male models and had them stand next to me. This is who I’ll be working with.


*pulls out phone*


“Dayummmmmm. He’s pretty. Italian?”


“I think so? I don’t know, he asked me what I was doing for the super bowl. What are you doing?”


“Going to school to watch it. Back to the guy though, are you seeing him?!”


“Nah, just me and him in a bar sounds awkward…”



“How long have you been here?”


“Like an hour, not long.”


“Nice, did you end up going to the gym?”


“Ummm I decided to take a nap haha”


“Good choice, I would’ve done the same.”



“Ooooh did you see what Postmates is doing this week?”


“No, what?”


“They’re doing some thing where you can get free deliveries from some restaurants.”


“Oh like just the delivery fee?”


“Oh wait… let me look… oh, yeah… I got excited and thought the entire order was free.”


“Girllll, nothing is ever THAT free.”



“Do you want to see a picture of me when I was 15 kilos heavier?”


“Uhhh sure!”




“Holy shit, that doesn’t even look like you!”


“I know! It’s crazy. That was after a semester in Paris. I saw a pic of myself and was like damn girl, get it together.”

Maidenly Pham