Week 6 Dialogues

Vending Machine Woes

Friends approach machine.

“Ugh, I hate soda.”

“Me too. These options suck.”

“Let’s just go downstairs to the fountain.”

“Ugh, fine…”

Walk away.


 Blame the Refs

 “This is ridiculous! That’s a hold!”

“Dude, what game are you watching?”

“Obviously a different one than these refs. This is ridiculous.”

“5 missed calls! 5!” demonstrating on his hand.

“Bro, relaxxx. Just sit down.”

“No way! Fuck this.” storms off.



 “Yo what’s up dude?”

“Hey man. Lance. Good to meet you.” extends hand.

“Good meeting you too. What do you do?”

“Uh, I own an advertising firm.”

“Oh, I’m actually working in that space for my company. Assuming your heavy in digital?”

“Yeah, digital, print, everything.

“Nice, nice.”

Oliver Permut