Land of The Free

I skipped down the hall like it was a parade

Excited to see what the day would bring,

I was so full of joy, I just wanted to sing!

We left our home country to “lands of the free”

That’s what my dad said, when he first told me

I had many classes and now I can see,

why daddy brought me here to learn and to read.


I missed my old friends but I made lots today

My teacher was sweet and had so much to say


“Abuela” picked me up with snacks and a hug

 ???Whenever she hugs me, it makes me feel snug

First thing when we got home, I showed mom my “A” 

“It’s your very first ‘A!’ I knew you’d do great!”

She cried and she cried and I hope she’s okay

I know that it won’t be my only good grade.


But then I sat down to do homework today,

If only I could make it all go away…


“Abuelo” said I shouldn’t worry or stress,

That “Our family is strong and you’ll be the best!”

He knew I was smart but still asked that I study,

For if I do not, my future is muddy.


When daddy came home, he sat next to me and said “Princesita, I love you.”

“Im proud of your A, and how much you’ve done 

You make me so happy, my little honey bun!” 

“But please remember, that even sometimes 

Your days will be tough, you may even cry.”

“But do not worry, I’ll come home every night 

To help you along and be by your side.”

“It seems you’re asleep, you sure have your hands full

I wish you sweet dreams, my sweet little angel

Natalie Castro