My Buddy Bud

It was the middle of the night when I heard Bud barking as if he were wild. I thought he may have contracted rabies and was having an episode. I knew if he acquired rabies I would have to put him down. I grabbed my pistol with my heart in my throat and my tears overflowing. I walked down to the basement to look through a window onto Bud and to my surprise all I could see was smoke and no fire. The sounds coming from the backyard made it evident he wasn’t alone. After ten agonizing minutes the ruckus stopped and I carefully stepped outside. Bud was covered in what looked like burns in the form of hieroglyphics. He let go of faint cries, as I held onto him. With all the pain in my soul, I said my goodbyes and put him out of his misery. There went Bud.

Natalie Castro