Short Movie

Short Comedy Movie.

Break The Ice

Early sunday morning. Jenny opened her eyes and smiled to a new day. The sun hit her face and she started to stretch in a different yoga poses. She turned her fer to the left and see her friend that hopelessly in love with her sitting on a chair with a cup of coffee and a balloon.

“Oh Jesus! How long have you been staying here Josh? How did you even come here? “

“Sorry Jenny, he door was opened and I wanted to surprise you with some coffee in your bed” – he smiled at her.

“Well, thanks” -said Jenny and rolled her eyes and pop the balloon.

Josh looked down and got a little sad. It’s been a long time Josh is trying to win Jenny’s heart but nothing really worked. Until that one day…

Josh and Jenny walking outside on the street to have dinner together. She doesn’t care the way she looks at all but Jenny all dressed up for her. They walked in to a restaurant and trying to pick a place to sit.

“Would you like to sit here my princess?” -asked Josh

“Noooo, I want to sit there”- replied Jenny in her own mean way

He was trying to help her to sit on the chair but she stopped his hand and sit by herself.

The food came to the table. They ordered pizza and beer. She is trying to do everything  to look sloppy and nasty, chugged that beer, having tomato sauce all over her face. Josh still looking right into her eyes full of love without even noticing all those things.

After they finished, Josh left the money on the table and they left. They walked out of the pizza place and met a person outside selling flowers. Josh came to him and bought some flowers for Jenny.

“Here Jenny, this is for you” -smiled Josh and handed flowers to her

She took the flowers, smelled them and throw down to the grown.

“Well, they didn’t smell good anyway…and you know what I gotta go” – said Jenny and rolled her eyes like she always does.

“Wait, wait..” -screamed Joshed and put his yes down.

Jenny turned back to him and walked away.

Another morning. Jenny is exercising in her room and making those weird noises.

Josh is down the stairs behind the door staying with the balloon and coffee again. He ringed  the bell but the music was too loud and she did’ hear. He pushed the door and it was open. He is walking up the stairs and hearing different noises and the loud music. He stopped behind the door and put his ears trying to listen what is going on.

His eyes started to get bigger as he thinking she is having sex with some other guy.

He popped the balloon and pour out the coffee on the floor and screamed:

“You know why Jenny?! This is enough, I have had enough, I was trying to do everything for you but you.. you.. you. He cried and run away.

Jenny took her headphones out because she heard some noises and opened the door. Josh was gone and all she saw was coffee and popped balloon on the floor.

“Josh?” said Jenny and looked left, right and down the stairs.

She came back up and took her phone to see if he called her but didn’t find anything.

“Ok, great. First morning without his text, maybe he is finally will stop following me everywhere” – smiled Jenny

She went outside to get some food. Sitting alone at that pizza place. Took a couple of bites and looked at her phone to see if Josh texted her. Nothing was where.

She is sitting at work, keep looking at her phone. Came back home, watching TV and keep looking at her phone.

“Wow, I haven’t heard from him for a couple of days now, what if something happened” – started worried Jenny.

She took her keys and left outside, set in her car and drove to his house to check if he was ok.

She ringed the bell, waiting. Josh looked at the peephole and see Jenny.

“Go away, I don’t wanna see you anymore” – screamed Josh behind the door.

“What? What did I do to you? I just haven’t heard from you for a while and wanted to see if you were ok.” – said Jenny

“Why do you even care? I know you have someone. You should have told me that before” – said Josh

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand? I don’t have anyone. Open the door”! – said Jenny

“Really? But I heard.

He opened the door and see Jenny holding a balloon and a coffee.

He smiled and gave her a hug.

The end of the screen they are walking outside with coffee and balloons holding hands and kiss.

The end 

Oxana Lukyanchenko