3 Favorite Commercials – Kiko

3 Favorite Commercials back-stories. Snickers Commercial 2017 Recovery Room

It’s 3am and Roberts gets another text from hospital staff. He wakes up almost foreseeing this occurrence, and quickly glances at his screen to read the message. Patty, Robert’s wife, hates these interruptions and constantly reminds him to be less dependable on that device.

“If you are not responding to work texts, you are browsing social media, then the news, etc. It’s like you are here but you at the same time you aren’t.”

Robert knows he needs to lay back and use his phone less, but he gets so much done through it, that he finds it impossible. But his wife’s daily reprimands were also becoming a problem, so he finally devised a way to use his phone at work to catch up on what he did not do at home, like read the news, etc.

Tuesdays are surgery day and everybody is getting ready. Robert is getting ready to follow through a procedure he has done quite a few times: an appendix removal.

The time comes to operate, and during the procedure everything seems to be going well, until his phone starts buzzing, and buzzing, and buzzing. Finally, he can’t take any longer and figures it must be an emergency and takes a look: “THE MARLINS COACH JUST GOT ACCUSED OF HARASSING ANOTHER PLAYER (WTF!).”

“This is unbelievable. How could this be? Now what? We are in the middle of the playoffs.” Robert thinks in awe. He puts the phone down while he tries to collect back his thoughts. He continues to close the incision and asks his assistance to take the patient back the recovery room.

Robert goes back to see where he left his phone, which he thought he had placed in his pocket as usual. But the phone was nowhere to be found until a staff member immediately runs up to him to inform him of the mishap.

Unfortunately, the general anesthesia was wearing off and they could not go back into the Operating Room to remove it. Sedating the patient again could potentially jeopardize his well-being, so they would have to wait a few more hours.

How would he explain this to the patient? Even worse; how would he explain this to his wife?

Andes Beer Teletransporter ambient

It wasn’t long before the Andes Beer Teletransporter became popular all over Argentina. Guys couldn’t wait to use it, just to see if it worked. Agustin was eager to give it a try, not only would it be fun, but also perfect for him to re-live old times with his buddies.

That night, Agustin went to his girlfriend’s house as usual. Romina always made the best pasta with mushroom sauce. After watching a little TV, he decides it’s time to leave – a little earlier than expected but nonetheless justified – after all, tomorrow was only Thursday and Agustin had class in the morning.

Everything was perfectly planned. He would get home, call and say he was ready to go to bed. Then, he would take off to “La Sarna” – the local bar – where he would meet up with his friends.

Unfortunately for him, the rumor had already spread in the girls’ community that these devices were in place and allowing guys to get away with murder. Something had to be done!

Romina and her friends had been suspecting that their boyfriends would get together that Wednesday night. How? Easy. The idiots were broke and Wednesday nights were “5 Andes beers for the price of 2” deal.

They were kind enough to let them try the Teletransporter first to lie during their call, before raiding the place and smacking their boyfriend’s head against the bar top like some sort of good cop bad cop routine. It was a horrific ending to a beautiful Wednesday night.

Agustin is now serving time without parole under house arrest; cleaning dishes and making sure he leaves the toilet seat down.

Quilmes Beer 2012 Advertisement

Reverting back into earlier events, Quilmes had made a desperate attempt to amend the tensions between genders in Argentina, but to no avail. Eventually, this turmoil increased, leading to massive arguments of which side was right and which side was being stubborn.

Men were tired of being pushed around and called out for doing mundane tasks they considered the norm – like arriving after 10pm during a weekday smelling like whiskey.

Women, on the other hand, did not find pleasure being the second plate. Seen their partners morph into different personalities every time they were with their buddies was just unacceptable!

Claudio, a notorious activist for men’s rights and owner of the bar “El Cherro,” had decided to confront Jimena, a leader of a feminist group that had rallied up in front of his establishment. Claudio demanded they backed off and let the men “be.” A demand that quickly met resistance and rejection.

Claudio and Jimena agreed to disagree, and decided it would be best to settle things the ole’ medieval way – a face off. A massive face off. Both sides would clash in an extraordinary battle to win the right to proclaim the treatment they deserved.

When the day arrived, the wind could be felt as it blew over the dunes of sand. Not a cloud in the sky – a beautiful day for battle, indeed.

The troops were amped and the battle ensued – only to be met with an interesting clash of conformism and devotion.

Francisco Martinez