Silent crush

We went to a friends house to celebrate new years, we all arrived in a friends car and left it under a tree, we started drinking till 12 and then all went bad, I had to many drinks and I remember nothing from 12.30 AM to 6AM when I woke up.

I woke in a car that wasn’t mine still a bit drunk from the night, the keys were inside and I though that my friends have left me because I was too drunk and went home.

I have to get home so I took the car and start driving home, it was a messy and narrow dirt road, I was doing okey until I get to a gate that had to be opened by password, I couldn´t remember the password no matter how hard I tried so I had to return but there was no room to turn around the car so I had to made it in reverse .

The first 100 meter were easy but the road had a lot of curves and in one of them I just went straight to a little ravine, the two front wheels were floating and the car was facing the sky but I was totally okey.

I tried to take the car out but it was impossible,I needed another vehicle, while I were thinking what to do my friends appear in our car, they took a little nap so they would be able to drive, actually the car that I crush was from the owner of the house that was sleeping, I had to think fast so I could return the car before she found out.

The car was so deep in the ravine that we couldn’t rescue it with our car so I was screwed, all my friends had to go to their houses so I ask them to leave me in the town so I found someone to help me.

I was walking thru town and there was a really drunk men trying to get inside his house at 10:30 am, son I helped him put the key and open his house gate, he was very drunk and he hugged me, he was very thankful so I told him my problem and he said: “a friend of mine have a tractor”.

That was the luck I needed, we went to his friends house wake him up and asked him if he could help me and he did, we took the tractor to the road rescue the car and I left it parked like nothing happened, but I was so lucky I had to tell the owner, so I wake her up and told her everything and she didn’t even care, she just told me- Okey. and went back to sleep.

Despite the tractor owner didn’t asked for money I payed him a good tip and also the drunk men for saving my ass.

Hernan Irrazabal