
JFK Library

1 -“Mario won’t be coming because he is renovating his house and going on vacation.”

She was thrilled with the excitement of gossip.

2- “How nice a vacation! He should bring us all a gift!” joking tone.

Laughs are shared among friends.

3- “Let us send him a message wishing him a happy vacation! We owe him so much. After all, he did train us all and always brings us coffee.”

She sounded emotional and appreciative

The group writes their message to Mario as they shared laughs.

A Mother Screams

“Richard, you didn’t pick up your room!”

Her scream echoes through the house and her gaze said more than her words.

“Mom, stop screaming. I will do it now. I slept through my alarm. that’s why I didn’t do it in the morning!”

You can feel sourness that he is fighting with off with his respectful tone.

“It is done, mom!”

A polite way to say shut up!


Natalie Castro