It’s Not Delivery   Man #1: Looking back at MAN #2 as he passes by in the freezer aisle. He points at the two frozen pizzas that MAN #2 is pulling out of the freezer.  Are those any good? Man #2: Pulling two frozen pizzas out of the...

Under the Bubble   Inside the bubble, people moved. Cities rose up towards the transparent ceiling. An entire world, blissfully unaware of its impending doom. “All personnel, please clear the perimeter.” Rebecca yanked herself out of her reverie. Taking one last look at the translucent bubble, she straightened up...

Naggin’ the Dragon   The town of Monfrere, Alabama was never notable for very much. Its small public schools rarely made a splash in athletics. Its residents never made the news and very little crime ever occurred to be reported. On top of that, it was the...

Breakfast with Friends   The sun jolted me awake. Brandon and Chaz lay peacefully on the floor. Breakfast was enjoyable enough, though Chaz and Brandon were beginning to spoil. As I brushed their taste out of my mouth, police broke through my front door. They took me...

Don’t Run   Woman: Bending down and wagging her finger at the children running by. This is where the cars go in an out so you need to be careful here!   Daughter: Not listening, cheerfully crying to other children. I won, I won!     Superbowl Bound   Man #1: Eyes squinting, a...

Selfless Gains   Man #1: “Can you spot me bro?” Man #2: “Yeah of course, lemme just finish my set first!” Man #1: “Of course bro, your gains first!” Both laugh, MAN #2 pounds his chest and points at MAN #1.   Ego Stroking   Man #1: “I had some guy asking me if...

You’re Always in Love   I knew I needed to be alone without ever talking to her about it. I’d expressed my love for her a week before, a month after my last heartbreak. I had to tell a friend. His words shattered my cloud. “You’re always in...