TGIFiona Fridays are always lousy, good-for-nothing days that just remind Francis Mooney that he is single and friendless. Well, if you count all of his social media friends, you might find one or two; but who wants to be friends with Pete, the creepy Starbucks barista...

Dialogue #1 P1: “I told you $249.” P2: “Ok, well, whatever it is it’s a lot less.” P2: “I will call you tomorrow morning. This lady will be waiting for the package to be delivered around 8-9am.” P1: “Well, let’s keep like that. The logical thing to do is...

"Night sweats" Johnny woke up one night with sound of sirens. It wasn’t the usual sirens from emergency vehicles. These were different. He got up to look outside only to be scared by the opening of his bedroom door, as his father shouted: “Let’s go, Johnny. We need...

"The Starving King" 2min There once was a king who loved to be thin. He asked everyone in the kingdom for their honest opinion. Everyone gathered around in the king’s square. They waited, and waited, for the trumpets to sound. The king took his time, as he wanted to...

by: Christopher Adams Happy Birthday Patrick   He'd slept out of his covers again and woken up cold. The room was only just coming round and the old man was always up first, naked and sleepy and thin. Numb vibrations built into an even roll of whooshes and sweeps....

Ño! Cuidado con la panther! Libraries are often depicted as buildings of silence and secrets help within their bookshelves. People aren’t fond of them because they seem to restrain rather than inspire. But this library was different. It was different because people were able to exchange...

Drive-in nightmares. The popcorn smell filled the air. Everyone sat in pairs. It was a quiet night in the city of Flaiton, and everyone was getting ready to watch the long awaited Start Wars XII movie. When the climax erupted, Vader removed his mask, only to...

  Fck that guy Girl 1: “No, he didn’t even move.” Girl 2: “I would’ve at least honked. Some people have no shame” Girl 1: “Yeah, I guess I was in some sort of ‘shock,’ so I just stared…” Girl 2: “Fuck that…  I spoke with Josh because he had…” *Conversation...