Man on the phone (halfway through the convo): I wanted to ask you… eh, tomorrow we have the technical team stopping by the facility in eh, Kendall, and … alo? Alo? Si, I can barely hear you.” Pause. “Ok, now it’s better. So like I was saying, can...

“Hello, class.” The girl wore a pink cap that hid her face from my view. She spoke loudly, and her voice was coarse. “My name is Katherine, but you can call me Kate. I’m from New Jersey, and ahm, I don’t really know what my...

Tide Ad Exposition: David Harbor is pretty seductive in introducing the typical Super Bowl Ads. Rising Action: But… He points out, all those typical ads are actually a Tide ad! He proves that by continuing to show examples of ads, and in each one reminds us that...

"Hopefully I'll see you before your trip." He was tall and thin. Wore a white shirt, cool shades. He was holding a car door open for the girl, and before she got in she said: "No, you won't. But I'll send you pics." "Ha! Ok. Stay safe." He...

“Man, just do it like this:” The man paused for a few seconds, probably to create some tension. And then, “Take a screenshot of the email you sent her and just fucking forward that to her, be like: I told you not to do this.” “Yeah, I...

Nothing was the same after that chocolate cake. Two warm layers of pure chocolate, fluffy and moist in the middle, filled with tiny drops of dark cocoa and covered in a creamy Nutella topping. I devoured the cake, but its scent, sweet and dense, is...