You would think I would have traveled the world by now. I’ve been to some obscure places from location to location. I’ve never had a stable home, one that I can stay a while. People see me and use me. They use me and leave...

The inspiration for this piece came from the introduction of an old western movie; Specifically, the country accent storytelling. Oh and a slice of ham. You’ll understand later. The Coyote Brothers It was the brothers first family photograph, which explains why Tommy looks like he saw a...

I’d Rather Vomit Bf: “Hey babe, I love you!” Cue the admiring tone and eye contact Gf: “I love you more, honey!” Enough smiles and cheese to make grilled cheese! Bf: “Honey, let's get married on a mountain in winter!” Enthusiastic and excited as he searches through google Gf: “I always wanted...

Story of Confession I feel this peace inside that only you give. I often wonder why we met. I’m starting to think it was to name our kid's nick and Bret. Girl, I love you, and I get down on this knee and confess that my life with you...

Audi- Equal Pay The commercial is about a girl who is in a car race against all young boys. The cars all look as though they are hand built by the young drivers and their parents. The commercial tells the story of how a father is...

JFK Library 1 -"Mario won't be coming because he is renovating his house and going on vacation." She was thrilled with the excitement of gossip. 2- "How nice a vacation! He should bring us all a gift!" joking tone. Laughs are shared among friends. 3- "Let us send him a...

All he heard was “Excuse me, can you take a photo of my father and me?” He was captivated as he looked up and put a face to the soft and sweet voice. A brown eyed and longhaired beauty she was, a face that was...

“You cannot step foot into our tree house, we don’t like gingers here!” yelled the group of boys. “Welcome to Ginger Bread Tree House where only girls rule and all boys are banned. Here we enjoy the view of the mountain and jump into the...