
Theme: Global bank heist


– Success for all 100 million for the 30 million each.

– Success for the mastermind and his girlfriend, they kill the rest

– Plot foiled by FBI Chief, joins cause and gets a cut

– Plot foiled by FBI ambush at their hideout, all die in a blaze of glory half of the money is taken through hacking and dispersed to family


– Guile French is a computer programmer from Brooklyn. Him and his girlfriend Lindy Espedes own a computer repair company called Full Circuit. They are also part of a hacking ring called Bankgeist. – They specialize in downing security systems. They are nationwide but small.
– They get reached out to by Servando Boullon, a Danish hacker who has heard of and is interested in their work for a job.
– Servando is head of an organization called M.A.M.A. (Movimiento Annual Monitario Altruista) Like the name states it’s to take from the rich and redistribute. It happens only once a year.
– Servando wants to rob the Thiessenbank, a German bank that funds militants and gunrunners in Colombia, Venezuela and Afghanistan.
– Guile is conflicted about the job and consults Lindy who says to go for it.

Story one:

– Servando, the head of M.A.M.A. (Movimiento Annual Monitario Altruista) sends Guile an email to his .onion account listing Guile’s hacking jobs with Bankgeist. He rates his jobs, sends him his work info and gets his attention. He announces himself and says he wants to hire him and his wife to join his team to infiltrate Thiessenbank, a German band that funds militants and gunrunners in Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico. He states the job and presents it with anti establishment sugar coating to appeal to Guile. He knows Guile and his wife sympathize with the underlying causes for his job. Servando knows Bankgeist’s track record and realizes he’s the best in the world for the job so he presses. Guile and Lindy are flown to Luxembourg to meet Servando and the rest of M.A.M.A. The operation will run strictly online as a transfer of funds, no breaking and entering all that is needed is the master key which is 3 encryptions that must be typed encoded at the same time from 3 cities at the same time, the 3 city states, London, Rome and Washington D.C. It’s with this precise timing that they get full access to the bank’s own account which is an accumulation of all accounts. It’s a small team of 5 people, they pick Christmas Eve to do it for many reasons but mainly their disdain for the holiday.
The code is cracked, they transfer more than they had intended and each gets 50 million dollars to be distributed to them through their lifetimes slowly. Servando moves to Switzerland and funds several public works projects in Mexico. The other two hackers are Eric and Camille, meet during the mission. They have many intimate moments and close calls so they fall in love naturally. Eric asks Camille if she wants to move to Trinidad which is where he’s from. She tells him to hold his horses that they just met. They have a laugh but end up doing that. 

Story 2:

– Guile and Lindy have ulterior motives. They don’t agree with a lot of M.A.M.A.’s work. Theres’a lot of blood on their hands even though they fight against greater evils. Guile and Lindy want out of hacking and want to cash out and pin the blame on the heist on Servando and M.A.M.A. even leave a lot of the money in their separate accounts. 

They plan their trap:

Subterranean bombs on the infrastructure of their headquarters. Triggered by a 36 digit code only they know. The power of numbers. Lindy cracks the code and on Christmas Eve they loot Thiessenbank. Guile and Lindy take 20 million. They amount stolen is upward of 300 million dollars so it pales in comparison to the damage done by M.A.M.A. 

They pulled off the heist and they celebrate Christmas Eve together at HQ. Mid party they say their goodbyes and say they’re heading to their head to their hotel for some alone time. Servando, questions them and gives them an questioning face and the couple turns white for a second. “Haaaah! Got you!!!” Servando laughs and says gets it. 

Guile and Lindy get back to their hotel and have a tender celebratory moment. Their future is wide open, their fears of security are gone. Lindy shoves Guile forcefully against the wall and takes off his pants, she starts sucking his dick. He pulls her up and kisses her and throws her on the bed, he rips off her clothes and reciprocates. Lindy grabs the remote control while he’s going down on her and types the code in. Guile penetrates her and the bombs go off in the background. The buildings go down and the scene fades out. The end.

Story 3:

– Guile and Lindy land in Luxembourg. The team is assembled and Servando is pleased with his choices. He consults his lover Ramon and he agrees, this team could be their best yet assembled. Guile and Lindy with the technical aspects, Eric and Camille with their logistics expertise and Randall Marsh, a surveillance expert and his partners Joey Fingers and Freddie “The Trap” Lin. The trap name might however best suit someone else on the team. 

On surveillance runs Joey offers to get lunch. He says he came on some money and wants to treat the boys. This strange behavior happens repeatedly. Randy comes back with a great report. Only 5 people will be in the Thiessenbank building on Christmas Eve. All of them security guards, probably going to celebrate that night on the job, the coast is clear.

The heist goes according to plan. The building is detonated by Guile and Lindy while everyone celebrates…hard. The scene blacks out. The next morning Guile and Lindy receive a knock at the door. It’s Joey, he points his gun at Guile “FBI you’re under arrest!”…Guile turns pale and freezes because he has no weapon…Joey let’s out a great big laugh “Haaaahaha! It’s done. Our share of the money is ours. M.A.M.A. is dead. Long live M.A.M.A.!”…Guile shoves him “You fucker. I think we’ve made off well. The missing money from the heist? Any trail to us?” Asks Lindy. “None, all of our money is in separate accounts in separate banks in Panama. “I wanna thank you for helping us bust these guys, we’ve been on their tail for awhile, as well as yours. Good thing you chose the right side.” Said Joey. “The side that always wins?” Asks Guile. “Yes” Nods Joey. He gives a salute and heads out. Scene fades.

Story 4:

– Refer to paragraph 1 and 2 in story 3. 

Joey has been phoning headquarters from different tracked cellphones. The FBI has assembled their takedown crew in Paris. They fly to Luxembourg on separate flights between December 20th-22nd. They’re assembled and have staked out M.A.M.A. and their movements. They know the whole plan.

On Christmas Eve FBI stakes out MAMA headquarters from The Chateau Marbelle just 2 blocks away from Thiessenbank HQ in Luxembourg. They know at 2 AM is when the hack will take place. They gather their guns and get dinner. They park under the Chateau Marbelle and make their move up the stairs at Midnight. 

Joey knocks on the door and Servando opens with a smile “Joey! You’re late!”. “No you are. Time is up. Freeze!” Joey draws his gun and signals the team. 

“Big mistake” says Ramon and he draws his gun and shoots and misses. “Merry Christmas motherfucker” Says Randy and blows his head off… “Who’s next?! Who the fuck is next? Everybody drop what your doing and put your hands in the air!” Servando heartbroken by his lover’s death grabs his gun and shoots Randy in the arm. The rest of M.A.M.A. heavily armed starts firing. 

The Joey throws two smoke bombs and sprays the air with his machine-gun. They keep firing to they don’t see firing back. They make the call to headquarters. Guile and Servando survive, they don’t snitch on anything. Servando says “I knew all along.” Randall says “So did we.” Scene.

Oscar Sardiñas