Black Friday Bundle


It’s late November, 2017 and “Black Friday” is approaching. Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year alongside Mother’s Day and I’m working at a clothing store at the time, doing sales. My life feels on the up and up for several reasons. I just pulled the plug from a toxic relationship at the first sign of sketchiness and I’ve been an aspiring musician for the last few years and my current group was gaining some local press and acclaim. I had the feeling I could live the life I sought if I really hone in on what I want and get rid of what I don’t. I felt the need to clean house internally.  

Personal gains and goals aside, I needed income and my day job was great to me. I was working with people that truly cared about each other and the staff was flexible with my personal schedule which I was more than thankful for. I was happy but for some reason the fact I was pressuring myself over something I found so pointless made me feel ill. I remember it clearly. My body was rejecting that reality. I wouldn’t sleep at night and I became so irritable at times I wanted to hide at work. I had nothing good to say and was becoming cynical about whatever people were doing. Phrases such as “The fuck am I doing here?” and “You don’t know shit.” would come into my mind mid conversation. I started to lack humanity and got worried. 

Now, this isn’t an attack on working retail or in the service industry but I felt I was living cyclically for so long I got too comfortable. I enjoy reaping the benefits of my labor and basking in the sun but droning out on a routine and not accumulating new experiences means a lack of growth. Now, judging from the way I felt about working retail you’ll probably think I quit my job and never looked back. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. My plan was long term I was perfectly content with my situation and was ready to stick it out because “slow season” was approaching. So, fast forward to late December and we were called in for a meeting by our boss. We received the terrible news that the store was closing. Some of my coworkers shed tears but I immediately felt this was a sign so I immediately embraced it. 

How do you react to shifts in your reality and learn to be at peace with impermanence? I was presented with making those long term plans unfold then and there. I decided the first changes I needed to make were internal. I started to treat myself better and I donated half of my possessions. I stopped complaining about not having a booking agent or a manager for my band and took on those roles without complaining, too much. I’ve negotiated raises with my photography and social media clients and I applied to this school and got accepted. All of these decisions and events have happened in the last 4 months so I’m still in transition. I guess this story arc is incomplete as I haven’t ridden off into the sunset just yet, but, I think found my horse.

Oscar Sardiñas