Brand: Lincoln Concept: New Audience (younger people., still elegant) Quality is our secret A safe trip Oasis on the road-1 Above our category, beyond just a brand-1 More than a car Flawless Drive with confidence-1 Expect greatness Touching every base-1 Reaching out Hop in Style, Elegance,...

Hyperbole There are basically a million ways to eat an apple. I wouldn’t eat with you if you were the last person on earth. If you touch my doughnuts, you’re a dead man. Imagery The warm, golden glow of the sun lit up the lush, green...

Hyperbole She was hot as hell. He is dumb as rocks. She was older than Christ himself.   Imagery The rich, creamy gelato melted in her mouth. The soft, satin sheets and goose feather pillows sent her into a deep slumber. Rancid, rotten garbage lined the streets and filled the air with stench.   Inversion What...