Golden State Persuasive Speech Heartbreak. Deception. Revenge. No, these are not the themes of the latest lifetime mini-series about a wealthy-heiress who loses her fortune to a conniving young heartthrob, but rather a dramatic storyline unfolding in the NBA. Because in the NBA, much like in...

The induction Welcome to the infinity room. Here we activate the rest of your dormant fifteen senses and stop time for the duration of the orientation. Initially, it will be disorienting, but you'll get used to it. I understand since vision is your predominant primary sense,...   The Cut Is it really thirst, when water just doesn't cut it? Think Gatorade. Way better Water is okay. You know what is way better? Electrolytes. Bucket bath Life is better, With better celebrations. Think Gatorade....

    Rabindranath Tagore 7th May 1861 - 7th August 1941 He wrote, novels, plays, short stories, song, and poems. He wasn't a freedom fighter per se, although he did galvanize an entire nation with his work. Internationally, Gitanjali is Tagore's best-known collection of poetry, for which he was awarded...

Let’s be real. We all know that Lifetime is a women’s channel, but is it really women who watch it most of the time? I don’t believe that. It’s got everything men want to watch, other than sports, it has the next best thing: Drama,...

Robert Frost Fire & Ice "Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favour fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also...

Pay The Price The year 2000 was the last good year. It was like a magical seal for a bright future ahead. Until, the seal was broken in New York City by the butterfly that started the hurricane. Our world was dying. Earth had become a...