Assonance- Jane felt pain when told tickets were sold out for Gucci Mane. Kids get sick then lick each other. Drinking tea makes me pee especially when I have it by the sea.   Chiasmus- Overcome your fears or fear will overcome you. You were my life. My life was you. Eat what...

I was lifeguarding at the Y when a mom told her son “to ask the pretty lifeguard where the bathroom is.” He looked around the pool, straight past me, and said “but there isn’t a pretty lifeguard here.” FML I stole a tester lipstick from MAC....

Assonance   He paid me handsomely to fade away.   A bright light illuminated the night sky.   It was a great feat to beat the favorite for the senatorial seat.   Chiasmus   It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.   It's not about...

Two Toys Two toys on the floor One toy for you, one for me We play together   Early Flight A bird leaves his nest His wings weak and feeble Far too soon to soar   Friendship To give to you what belongs to me I will not share Not one, not two, not three   To leave my place...

Poop Always wash your hands After you use the potty Wash all the poop off     Manners Say please and thank you It is a nice thing to do Just like giving gifts     Yay Teeth We brush our teeth every day We brush so that they don’t decay We brush our teeth every night So that they’re clean...

Lines for Ray-Ban Consonance Don’t make plans without your Ray-bans Stand for Raybans Epithet Rayban “Eyewear kings” Rayban “One of a kind” Assonance Get your band some Raybans Get a tan with your Raybans ...

Haikus Moody Would you talk to me? If I were bittersweet, without a cause. Grow up Do you yell a lot? And annoy everyone it's time to grow Poem Accept There are a lot of people in the world, Many of them waiting to be unfurled, Tall and skinny, or short and chubby, There’s more to people than just...

Assonance He doesn’t sell the wedding bells. Got a feeling that the bell is ringing. Clean the windows for the widow. Chiasmus I constantly forget what I need to remember, and remember what I need to forget. Its not the school that makes a student, but...

I tried to take a video of my waterproof speaker playing music underwater. The music sounded great, but my phone not-so-waterproof died.  FML While teaching my friends Statistics for an exam the next day, I let out a loud brain fart exclaiming “why aren’t pie charts...

Assonance - My friend looks like a raging sage free from his cage - They yelled “fresh meat” as they beat him off his seat - They fought before they heard the shot Chiasmus - choose to fight for a living, or choose to live for fighting - Break...